
06 October 2012

Going Under Tour: Review

Hey peoples, today Comfort Books is participating in the Going Under by Georgia Cates tour hosted by AToMR Tours and our tour host is Julie from A Tale of Many Reviews! So be sure to check her blog out when your done here! So I have a review for you but first here's a little about the book!

Going Under by Georgia Cates
Synopsis: Jessie Boone is a self proclaimed bad boy and doesn’t march to the beat of anyone’s drum, but his own. Growing up in less than desirable circumstances has made him no stranger to the hard knock life and his determination to leave it behind is fierce. When he finds himself transferred to East Franklin High School, he sees his opportunity to use his athletic ability to snag a college football scholarship, but Forbes Henderson, the player Jessie means to replace isn’t giving up his spot willingly. In fact, Forbes is willing to go to extreme measures to retain his place as first string quarterback. When Forbes’ malicious plan to injure his replacement fails, Jessie is furious and determined to show him he messed with the wrong person; not only is he going to take the position of first string quarterback, he’s going to take his girl, too.

Claire Deveraux is perfection at it’s best. She is beautiful, intelligent and unaware she just became Jessie Boone’s conquest as revenge against her boyfriend, Forbes Henderson. Like her flawless performance as the perfect daughter and student, Claire’s production of being the perfect girlfriend has everyone fooled, except Jessie Boone, and she fears this tattooed bad boy will see her secret desire to explore his crude threats and promises to rock her perfect world. If she decides to give in to one uninhibited moment with Jessie, will she learn too late that it was all an act of vengeance or will Jessie learn the taste of first love is sweeter than that of revenge?

My Review:
I received this book for review from the publishers for a blog tour.

I'm so astonished on how amazing this book was, I was a little nervous because I wasn't so sure what exactly the book was about but I read it anyways and I loved it! Georgia Cates did an amazing job sharing Claire & Jessie's story! This book is about of course a boy named Jessie who moves to a new town and has to go to a new school and all that. He ends up on the football team and he meets a cheerleader and they fall in love. Sounds kind of boring but the story is so good and very very entertaining.

I loved the way that our two main characters got together because in the beginning Claire had a boyfriend but she started to fall for Jessie anyways. Another cool part was that the book was divided between the two characters and what I mean by that is that every other chapter was either Claire or Jessie and they were never back to back so we got both sides of the story throughout the whole book which I thought was pretty cool I liked how something would happen between them and you'd get Claire's point of view on it and then the next chapter would start with Jessie reflecting on it too!

The one thing that I didn't like was something that happened right in the middle and I really can't tell you what it is because it would be spoilery but I was so not happy with what was going on with the characters but I was happy with how it ended so there was nothing to worry about. Claire was a pretty cool character when I first found out she was a cheerleader I figured oh crap she's going to be a mean girl which sucks but it was good because she wasn't. The same thing happened with Jessie he was the new quarterback on the football team so I was like no! he's going to be a jock but he wasn't he was such a great guy!

Overall I give the book a 5 out of 5 stars because no matter what was happening in the book I could not put it down!

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