
06 October 2012

In My Mailbox 54 + Weekly Wrap Up

Hey all! I hope your having an awesome day today! I know this is going up a little late but I'm kind of busy with all the studying I've been doing! But anyways here's what I got this week and be sure to check out my Weekly wrap up below!

Fall Ambuzzador:
Mystic City by Theo Lawrence 

City of Fallen Angels by Cassandra Clare
Rules of Attraction by Simone Elkeles

Weekly Wrap Up:

Going Under Tour: Review

September Wrap Up
October TBR

Blog Tours/Hops:
Nine Lives by Shari Richardson Promo Event
Her Loving Husbands Curse Tour: Author Interview
Cover Reveal: Lauren by Julia Crane
Vipers Creed Tour: Author Interview
Griffin Rising Tour: Excerpt
My Merlin Series Tour: Excerpt
Going Under Tour: Review



  1. Super jealous of Mystic City! I would like one of the cards :)! If there's still any left!
    And yay for CoFA!

    Thanks for stopping by!

    My Haul :)

  2. You got some awesome books this week. Those covers are so pretty.


  3. Mystic City and the Perfect Chemistry series sound really good! I really have to start my copy of City of Fallen Angels soon. Happy reading! :)

  4. Thanks! I hope you enjoy yours as well. Mystic City sounds really good. Thanks for stopping by!

  5. Ahhh, enjoy The Rules Of Attraction, I love that book. :-)

    Happy reading!

  6. I'm jealous of Mystic City! That one sounds great! And it IS very pretty! Thanks for stopping by Libby Blog! Happy reading!
    Our Week in Books @Libby Blog

  7. Awesome haul Paige :) !! Rules of Attraction and CoFA are awesome .. You're so lucky to have a copy of RoA signed !!!
    Mystic City sounds sooo awesome. I look forward to read your reviews on these books. Happy reading ;)

  8. I've heard good stuff about Rules of Attraction. I read Perfect Chemistry and liked it. :) Enjoy your new books! Thanks for checking out mine!

  9. OOh nice! Congrats on your wins! Hope you enjoy all your reads!

    My STS will be up tomorrow, so be sure to stop by!

    Have a GREAT weekend!

    Old Follower :)

  10. Wow. Nice stack. Mystic City looks good, and Rules of Attraction was a good one too.

    Thanks for stopping by
    @ Livin' Life Through Books

  11. Mystic City looks super cool! Loving that cover. Happy reading!

    J'adore Happy Endings

  12. I have an ARC of MYSTIC CITY to read somewhere! I'm excited to read it as well! I haven't heard of Ambuzzador before, cool package! Do you still have one of those cool codes? *hopeful* I love promoting new titles! Congratulations on your wins, too!

    I'm sorry I don't always get time to post anymore. With the exception of today (a very rare Sunday), I always work Sunday nights now and then go to visit my dad [it became a Sunday night ritual once we both fell for ABC's ONCE UPON A TIME), so by the time I get home, it's always late, and then I have to wake up at six the following morning, and I always feel weird doing it after Sundays!!

  13. Awesome wins Paige! I keep telling myself I need to sign up for Random Buzzers but haven't done it yet. You've definitely made me want to do it even more now because Mystic City sounds great!

    I'd love one of your cards (if there are any left)! My email is:

    Have a great week reading!

  14. Awesome haul this week, of course Mystic City is bomb and it looks like all of your peeps want a RB card..LOL Someone from Finland asked me for a pen, which i thought was cool! Enjoy all of your new lovelies! The Sunday Post

  15. I still need to read Simone Elkeles's books too!
    Mystic City looks good!
    Hope you enjoy your new books!

  16. Hope you enjoy them all!


  17. Congrats on your wins! Love Cassandra Clare and I've heard great things about Simone Elkeles. Thanks for stopping by!

  18. Great Haul here Pagie! Happy Reading! :)

    My Haul:

  19. I've been really curious about Mystic City. I'm excited to see what you think of it. Great haul this week! Happy reading :)

  20. Great book haul! I love City of Fallen Angels and I need to read Elkeles' books. Happy Reading!

  21. Yay! Great books you got this week ;) Mystic City has a gorgeous cover. Unsure if I would like the book, but it does seem interesting ;) Hope you enjoy it all. <3
    Thank you for commenting on my mailbox. <3
    Love, Carina @ Carina's Books

  22. Mystic City looks amazing, everyone seems to be getting that one. And I have only read one CC book, but I am dying to read TMI series! :D I hope you enjoy your books, and thanks for stopping by my blog :)

  23. Congrats on the wins! I loooove Cassandra Clare stuff! :D

  24. Ohhh I love Simone Elkeles! I got Mystic City today. Can't wait to read it! Have an awesome week, Paige. <3

  25. Mystic City's been quite popular lately - I've heard great things about it! :) Great haul!

  26. I need to grab a copy of Mystic City because it looks awesome. I've got all of Elkeles books, I just havent found any time to read them. Hopefully you have better luck!

  27. Mystic City looks awesome!! Hope you enjoy all your yummy books!

    Thanks for stopping by!


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