
27 October 2012

In My Mailbox e-book edition 5 + Weekly Wrap Up

Hey peoples! guess what it's time for? Another In My Mailbox e-book edition! number 5 to be exact! Anyways, In My Mailbox is hosted by Kristi over @ The Story Siren where we show off all the books we got each week! Now lets get to the books.

Air by Shauna Granger
Synopsis: It was a rough start to the school year for Shayna and her friends, Jodi and Steven, but thankfully summer break is near. Trying to sort out her feelings for the new guy in town, Shayna agrees to let Jensen join her on a group date with her friends. While out they end up at a local coffee house where their classmate, social outcast Jeremy McCormick, is humiliated by his baseball star brother. When Jeremy runs away from the jeering crowd, Shayna and Jodi hear the unmistakable sound of a thousand wings chasing after him, but no one else seems to hear them. These are not like any air elementals that Shayna or Jodi have ever encountered before and they fear Jeremy has gotten himself tangled up in something too dangerous for him to handle. But when Shayna tries to help Jeremy control his magical abilities she realizes it might be the biggest mistake of her life.

Water by Shauna Granger
Synopsis: Shayna's first surfing session of the summer is interrupted by the screams of a mother who has lost her little boy in the water. Without regard to her own safety, Shayna swims out, rescues the boy, but must escape the clutches of something far worse than she could have ever imagined – mermaids.

Compelled to answer the sirens' call, the boys of Shayna's town are drawn to the sea, but when they return are afflicted by an unknown illness, a sickness which is draining them of their life force. Unable to tell anyone about the mermaids, Shayna and her friends are forced to solve the mystery before it's too late, and in doing so, Shayna will finally have to face the full force of her powers. Whether she’s ready or not, she will have to face her true nature.

Caleo by James Crawford
Synopsis: Caleo Anima is the social outcast of Butler High. His pale skin and white hair have caused him nothing but trouble since birth. Now at age 17 a mysterious stranger shows up telling him that not only is Caleo part of a magical race called Leeches, but his life is in danger because of a civil war that's been going on for decades...all in an effort to gain control over him.

Matt Archer Monster Hunter by Kendra C. Highley
Synopsis: Fourteen-year-old Matt Archer spends his days studying Algebra, hanging out with his best friend and crushing on the Goddess of Greenhill High, Ella Mitchell. To be honest, he thinks his life is pretty lame until he discovers something terrifying on a weekend camping trip at the local state park.

Monsters are real. And living in his backyard.

But that's not the half of it. After Matt is forced to kill a strange creature to save his uncle, he finds out that the weird knife he took from his uncle's bag has a secret, one that will change Matt's life. The knife was designed with one purpose: to hunt monsters. And it's chosen Matt as its wielder.

Now Matt's part of a world he didn't know existed, working with a covert military unit dedicated to eliminating walking nightmares. Faced with a prophecy about a looming dark war, Matt soon realizes his upcoming Algebra test is the least of his worries.

His new double life leaves Matt wondering which is tougher: hunting monsters or asking Ella Mitchell for a date?

Weekly Wrap Up



Blog Tours/Hops:
The Serpent's Ring Tour: Book Spotlight
Earth Tour: Promo Post
Determinant Tour: Author Interview + Giveaway
Matt Archer Monster Hunter Tour: Guest Post

Earth Tour: Promo Post + Giveaway
Determinant Tour: Author Interview + Giveaway
Matt Archer Monster Hunter Tour: Guest Post


  1. OOoh interesting! Haven't heard of these but they look pretty intriguing! Happy Reading!

    My STS will be up tomorrow, so be sure to stop by!

    Have a GREAT weekend!

    Old Follower :)

  2. Matt Archer was a cute read! Air & Water look great! Happy reading!
    My Stack

  3. I saw Shauna Granger's books for the first time this week! I need to get these eventually b/c I love books with Elemental Magic! I can't wait to hear your thoughts on it!

  4. Oooh these sound fab :O I haven't heard of these.

    Here is my weekly round-up post.
    Lauren at Northern Plunder

  5. I'd heard of the first 2 but not the 2nd 2, so I'm going to have to check them out. Enjoy, Paige!

    Here's my book haul if you'd like to see what I got this week. :-)

  6. The last two books you got are brand new to me. Great haul of books.


  7. Ohh, pretty covers :D Seems like awesome books ;) I hope you'll enjoy them. <3 :)
    Love, Carina

  8. Nice book haul! I haven't heard of these, but I live the cover of Air. Enjoy!

  9. Caleo looks really interesting and I've heard a lot lately of the elemental series. I have book 1 from when it was free on amazon :)

    Great haul and thanks for stopping by!

    Janina @ Synchronized Reading

  10. Nice stack. I haven't heard any of these before but will definitely check some out. Love the overs.

    Thanks for stopping by
    @ Livin' Life Through Books

  11. Ooooh, the cover of Caleo by James Crawford was enough to get me interested + the description sound awesome! A definite must-add to my TBR list. Hope you enjoy all of these :) And thank you for stopping by!

    Siiri @ Little Pieces of Imagination

  12. Looks like you had a good week this week. Enjoy your books! (: Check out my IMM and giveaway!


I love to hear from you guys so leave as many as your heart desires =)