
04 October 2012

My Merlin Series Tour: Excerpt

Guess what? today Comfort Books is apart of the My Merlin Series by Priya Ardis hosted by AToMR tours & our tour host is the awesome Autumn @ The Autumn Review so be sure to check her blog out too! Before we get started here's a little about the books.

My Boyfriend Merlin by Priya Ardis
Synopsis: He was a little older than he was letting on. By a few eons...

In this modern Arthurian, 17 year-old Boston high schooler Arriane, aka Ryan, DuLac just found out the guy she's been crushing on, hot biker Matt, is a little older than he was letting on. In fact, he is really Merlin—the Merlin, King Arthur's Merlin, the greatest wizard who ever lived. Frozen in a cave for over fifteen hundred years, he's woken for a purpose. But Ryan's not impressed. Tired of being a relationship loser, she'd rather kick his legendary behind.

Sure, the world has been crazy ever since the sword and the stone fell out of the sky like a meteor. But despite gruesome gargoyles, a deadly new world of magic, and the guy driving her crazy, Ryan knows that family is everything. Will Merlin sacrifice hers to save the world? Will she be able to stop him?

My Merlin Awakening by Priya Ardis
Synopsis: If you haven't broken the rules, have you really lived?

Excalibur has been pulled from the stone, but what does it mean? Arriane (aka Ryan) DuLac's got bigger problems—as student president, she's got to put on the Prom. While the Wizard Council debates their next move, she leaves the craziness behind and heads home. But she can’t hide forever. Sooner than she’d like Merlin (aka Matt) has her chasing mermaids on the trail of the Fisher King in Greece. The wounded King, defeated by Merlin’s brother, Vane, in the past holds the key to save the future.

On the journey, Ryan begins to realize the friends she thought she knew, she may not know at all. At a time of shifting alliances, she must decide whose side she’s on—the brother who struggles to do right or the brother who dares to break the rules? And Ryan must decide who she is—a regular or a champion?

One wrong decision and her family falls apart. One wrong decision and the world falls apart. No pressure.

Excerpt from My Merlin Awakening

Chapter: A Haunted House
Setup: Vane & Ryan on her balcony

“I’ve got to go.” Vane leapt on top of the balcony ledge.
I caught his elbow and pulled him back, using one of the grappling techniques he’d taught me. “I’m going too.”
His eyes narrowed. “Not a good time to test me.”
“If it’s about the sword, it’s about me,” I retorted. “Is it?”
Vane opened his mouth, but I slapped my hand over it.
My amulet glowed. I gave him a look. “Do you really want to try magic on me?”
Vane pushed my hand away.
“You know where he’s going,” I declared.
“What part of ‘there are gargoyles running around and it’s not safe anywhere but here’ are you unable to grasp?”
I scowled. “What part of ‘you can’t bully me’ are you not getting? I’m going.”
The moonlight left his lean face shadowed and sinister. His eyes glittered with a dangerous light. Little butterflies in my stomach fluttered. I shoved them down.
“You have no idea where to go,” he said.
I touched my amulet. “I can find out.”
Vane ran a hand through his hair and I knew he’d bought my bluff. Without a cataclysmic trigger like the last vision, I was pretty sure there was no way I could read Matt when he wasn’t around. But Vane didn’t know that.
He muttered, “You’re going to drive me mad.”

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