
09 November 2012

In My Mailbox e-book edition (6) + Weekly Wrap Up

In My Mailbox is created by Kristi over at The Story Siren. This meme is to show off all the books we get each week :)

Normalish by Margaret Lesh
Synopsis: Fifteen-year-old Stacy questions the strange world of high school, love, her role in a harsh universe, and life, in Normalish.

People tell you high school's so great and wonderful, but they're lying. It's mostly horrible and full of disappointment. It sucks. Your best friend abandons you. The jerk you're in love with pretends to be into you, and then the big dump. The boy you've really clicked with as a friend decides to go all crushy over you, so you break his heart just like yours was -- smashed into little pieces. Your sister goes mental, and you get involved with a guy who’s even crazier than she is (who you know is a very bad idea, but you do it anyway). Math only adds another stink of failure to the whole thing.

High school blows. Just ask freshman Stacy. She’d want you to know.

Synopsis: Intelligent and fiercely independent, sixteen-year-old Mia Marchette has never had a childhood. After her father’s disappearance when she was six, she has alone borne the burden of her mother’s bipolar disorder. 

When her mother is institutionalized after a failed suicide attempt, Mia is abruptly forced to live with the estranged father she has not known for ten years. She is shocked to discover that he has created a new, picture-perfect life for himself, and is now living with a stepmother and a half-sister Mia never knew she had. Together, Mia and her new family must face the bitterness, mistakes, and long-hidden secrets that threaten to destroy their precarious happiness. 

Finding Mia follows Mia's journey as she searches to find the unanswered questions from her past, leading to her own self-discovery.

Ultimately, this is a story of confronting pain and finding freedom, of letting go and learning to search for love in unexpected places.

Synopsis: Rae Wilder has problems. Supernatural creatures swarm the earth, and humanity is on the brink of extinction. Stalked by a handsome fairy who claims she is like him, demonkind, Rae thinks maybe it was a mistake breaking the rules by going over the Wall into demon territory. Plunged into a world of dark magics, fierce creatures, and ritual sacrifice, she is charged with a guarding a magical amulet. The changes to her mind and body are startling, but rather than accept her purpose she struggles against who she is destined to be. Throw in a big lust for a vampire who can't keep his hands off her, and life starts to get complicated. Rae is forced to make the ultimate choice: to live and die human, or embrace her birth-right and wield magics that could turn her into something wicked, a force of nature nothing can control.

Synopsis: Teenage mystic Rachelle Dugas knows to expect the unexpected when she fills in for a friend leading a Haunted New Orleans tour. But when she decides to check out a haunted house on her own, nothing prepares her for the secrets lurking in the shadows—or the twist of destiny about to unfold.


  1. You got some really interesting e-books. Most of these I haven't heard of. Nice haul. Come check out my haul as well.

  2. OOh interesting! I haven't heard of these. But I hope you enjoy them all!

    As always, my STS will be up tomorrow, be sure to stop by!

    Have a GREAT weekend!

    Old Follower :)

  3. Normalish sounds great! Really curious to see what everyone thinks of that one. Thanks for stopping by!

  4. I've had Shattered Dreams for a while but have never read it. Thanks for stopping by My Haul!


  5. I've seen the tour for NORMALISH and was wishy-washy. Will look fw to your review :) GLAMOUR has such a pretty cover!

  6. Sadly I have to admit that I haven't read any of these, but they look quite intriguing nonetheless. Happy reading - hope you'll like them! :)

    Fictional Distraction

  7. I'm really excited to read Finding Mia. Are you on the AToMR tour for this book? Anyway, enjoy everything!

  8. Fun week of books Paige! Great haul! Thanks for stopping by, and stay tuned b/c we'll definitely put that Shatter Me in a giveaway soon!
    Our Week in Books @Libby Blog

  9. Great reads! I also got Finding Mia this week. Happy reading! Feel free to check out my IMM

  10. Oh, normalish sounds great! I hope you enjoy.


  11. I've heard of Normalish before and it looks like an interesting read. Great haul this week! Happy reading :D

  12. Wow. I haven't heard any of these. They all look like good reads. Hope you enjoy them all.

    Thanks for stopping by
    @ Livin' Life Through Books

  13. I'm looking forward to Finding Mia. Normalish looks good too. Enjoy!

  14. Ohh, pretty covers :D They seem like awesome books ;) Enjoy them all :)
    Thank you for commenting on my mailbox. <3
    Love, Carina @ Carina's Books

  15. Normalish sounds sooo cute! It almost sounds like Confessions of an Angry Girl. I can't wait to see what you think of it! I might have to pick it up too. :)

  16. These are all new to me but I like the looks of the covers. Normalish and Finding Mia caught my eye. Happy reading!

  17. Very nice book haul. I have been wanting to read Glamour. :)

    Thank you for stopping by my blog.

    Beckie - @ Bittersweet Enchantment

  18. I haven't heard of any of those ones, but I love to cover of Glamour. It sounds really good, too!

    Hope you enjoy all your goodies, Paige! And thanks for stopping by!


I love to hear from you guys so leave as many as your heart desires =)