
08 November 2012

Review: The Serpent's Ring by H.B. Bolton

The Serpents Ring by H.B. Bolton (Relics Of Mysticus - Book One)
Publication Date: July 2012
Number of Pages: 207
Book Format: Paperback
Date Finished: November 5, 2012
Synopsis: Evan and Claire Jones are typical teenagers, forced to go with their parents to yet another boring museum ... that is, until something extraordinary happens to make their day a little more than interesting. After following a strange little creature into a closed exhibit, Evan and his older sister, Claire, discover the Serpent’s Ring, one of the magical relics formed from the shattered Mysticus Orb. Purely by accident, they have awakened its powers and opened a portal to Sagaas, land of ancient gods.

Before the siblings can comprehend what has happened, the Serpent’s Ring is wrenched from Evan’s hand by an enormous bird and flown back to Aegir, the Norse god of the sea. Evan and Claire, accompanied by a band of unlikely heroes, must retrieve the Serpent’s Ring before Aegir uses its immense powers to flood all the lands on Earth.

My Review:
I received The Serpent's Ring by H.B. Bolton from the author for an honest review.

I was a little bit weary about picking this book because I haven't really gotten into the fairytale adventure type books yet but I think this book might have opened that door for me. I'm really excited about reading the second book now that I have finished this book I can't wait to go on the next adventure. I think these books are good because they are light and fluffy so you can take a break from all the big books your reading and go on a fun adventure with these ones. So don't ever put these kind of books past you because I guarantee you, you'll like them!

The Serpent's Ring is about Evan & Claire who are brother and sister who are on a "boring" trip with their parents. But their lives get a whole lot more interesting when they go into a forbidden place and find The Serpent's Ring. Now they're not supposed to be in here touching things so when they go outside of course this big bird type thing swoops down and takes the ring from them. That sets them off on their journey to get the ring back.

There was not one character in this book that I didn't like Claire and Evan were typical brother and sister they bickered a little bit but they were there for each other if needed be. One of my favorite parts in the book is when both of them were discovering their powers because they were so excited and it made me happy for them! We also came across two imps on this journey named Dunkle and Barfel and they were really fun, they were always hyper and in a good mood. Every time the book had a scene with them it made me smile.

Now I know what your thinking these little adventure books don't have romance but don't despair because this book does have an ounce of romance but its the cute little kind not the full blown I love you well never be apart kind. You know what I mean? Anyways I give this book a 4 out of 5 stars because the adventure kept me interested and it opened the doors in my mind for more fantasy adventure type books!

Want to check the book out?
Barnes & Noble

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