
13 December 2012

Finding Mia Tour: Review


Finding Mia
Finding Mia by Rachel K. Burke
Synopsis: Intelligent and fiercely independent, sixteen-year-old Mia Marchette has never had a childhood. After her father’s disappearance when she was six, she has alone borne the burden of her mother’s bipolar disorder.

When her mother is institutionalized after a failed suicide attempt, Mia is abruptly forced to live with the estranged father she has not known for ten years. She is shocked to discover that he has created a new, picture-perfect life for himself, and is now living with a stepmother and a half-sister Mia never knew she had. Together, Mia and her new family must face the bitterness, mistakes, and long-hidden secrets that threaten to destroy their precarious happiness.

Finding Mia follows Mia's journey as she searches to find the unanswered questions from her past, leading to her own self-discovery.

Ultimately, this is a story of confronting pain and finding freedom, of letting go and learning to search for love in unexpected places.
Meet The Author:
Rachel was born and raised in Boston, MA. She currently resides in Los Angeles, CA.
She graduated from Bridgewater University in 2011 with a B.A. in Communications and Media Studies.
Rachel's work has appeared in Prevention Magazine, Worcester Magazine and Starpulse News Entertainment.
My Review:

I received Finding Mia from the publisher for my honest review on a book tour.

This book started off in a weird way. With Mia in class and then her and her friend Gretchen smoking in the bathroom. So that kind of confused me I wasn’t sure what to think of her as a character but by the end I knew who she was and what kind of person she was.

The story is about a girl named Mia who lives at home alone with her bipolar mother, and this is hard for her because she doesn’t really know how to deal with her mother while she’s like this. Mia is 16 and she really shouldn’t have to take care of her mother like a child but her father gave up a long time ago which means it falls on her shoulders.

One day Mia comes home to find her mother close to death in bed. So she freaks out and calls 911 just in time to save her mother. One other problem now is she is underage with no legal guardian. This is where her father comes into the picture. She hasn’t seen him since he left when she was 6. This is where I’m going to stop before I get spoilery!

I could not get over some of the characters in this book because I literarily loved most of them! Mia was so strong and well put together. Then their was her dad Keith who I was ready to hate because he left but he ended up being a sweet guy and I forgave him. Then we had Suzanne which is Mia’s step mom, Everybody knows how evil step parents can be so that’s what I was expecting in this story but it wasn’t like that at all.

Lets talk about the boys for a minute shall we? First we start with Ethan! He started off to die for. Everything he said I was like aww he’s so sweet and I was kind of bummed with what happened to him but I’ll get over it because the next guy Josh was so much sweeter. Josh is Mia’s childhood friend and you know what people say about childhood friends! <3 <3

Overall the plot was fantastic I loved how the author integrated Mia’s hobbies like writing into the book and I love how she scaled happy times with sad times very well, so you weren’t overwhelmingly happy at one point or really depressed at another. 5 out of 5 stars is a understatement! I wish I could give it a 10 out of 10!
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1 comment:

  1. the book looks really interesting. have added it to my TBR list


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