
09 December 2012

Review: Spark by Amy Kathleen Ryan

Spark (Sky Chasers, #2)Spark by Amy Kathleen Ryan
Publisher: St. Martin's Griffin
Publication Date: July 17, 2012
Book Format: Hardcover
Number of Pages: 309
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

My Review: I received Spark by Amy Kathleen Ryan from the publishers for my honest review.

First let me start of by saying that Spark is ten times better then Glow. So if you are reading and a little skeptical about reading this one because Glow wasn’t amazing I’m telling you right now it was so much better. It kept my interest throughout the whole book and I couldn’t stop turning pages!

Usually I start off my reviews with a little bit about the book but since this is a sequel I’m not going to do that because it might give off spoilers to the first book, and I don’t want to do that to the people who haven’t read Glow yet. In this sequel we are back on board the ship in outer space dealing with problems that never seem to end. Fighting, distrust, sickness, and many more. But can the ship pull through to fight off their enemies? This is what we find out in book two of the Sky Chasers Series!

Okay so in every book there is sides right? We all know that but my sides have significantly changed in this book which is so strange. The reason being is because when I read books I very rarely change sides but this case was very different. We know of Seth and Kieran from book one. Both of these two are in book too as well but this is where my side change occurs, but that’s where I’m going to stop talking about that.

Somebody I liked in book one I absolutely hate in book two and that person is Waverly. I never thought I would say this but she was a complete and utter bitch in this book and I get that she’s gone through a lot and she’s heart and she’s scared but in reality she is the only one that really didn’t lose what she had before all of this happened. Which confuses me as to why she has changed so much.

Again I really enjoy the plot of these books, I mean come on they are in outer space fighting for their lives on two different ships. How awesome is that? Overall it gets a 5 out of 5 stars and I’m left dying for the third book to figure out what happens to a certain idiot who I’ve recently fallen for.

View all my reviews

1 comment:

  1. Hey Paige! this is my first time to your blog i love it! and uber impressed how much you have done and only 15 ! I for sure didn't have anything this awesome when i was in High School! anyways im a new blogger , and its great to meet you! I commented here because i LOVE this series. and yes you are so right Spark was better than Glow ! i am so excited for this series, it keeps me on my toes and i can't wait to read more!! great review! and great meeting you ! - Katie @ Inkk


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