
31 December 2012

Review: Beneath The Glitter by Elle & Blair Fowler

Beneath the Glitter by Elle Fowler & Blair Fowler
Publisher: St Martin's Griffin
Publication Date: September 4, 2012
Book Format: ARC
Number of Pages: 288
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I received Beneath The Glitter from the publisher for my honest review.

Beneath The Glitter by Elle & Blair Fowler is such a great novel. On the back of the book it says if you liked the L.A. Candy trilogy you’ll like this book and that was so true, I loved that trilogy and I loved this book as well. The story is about two sisters, Ava & Sophia and they have moved to L.A. in search of fulfilling their dreams of starting a makeup company type thing. Throughout the book we see the sisters struggle with guys, sister fights and many other things but it ends up being very interesting and impossible to put down.

One of my favorite things about this book was that while reading it, I kept connecting some of the things in the story back to the two authors. A few of those connections are that the authors are sisters who moved to L.A. to fulfill their dreams and this is the same thing that happened in the book. Another connection I mad was that Sophia’s cat in the book is just like Elle’s cat in real life. I’m not sure why this fascinates me but it does!

Another thing I really enjoyed is that in this book their wasn’t really any “mean” people. In the L.A. Candy trilogy their was the mean girl Madison but in Beneath The Glitter their were just crazy obstacles not really mean people and that was good because I hate mean people in stories.

Characters lets talk about characters for a second. We have Ava who is a bit stubborn but she really does love her sister and animals. Sophia who is a bit I don’t think you would say controlling because that’s to big of a word well go with protective, and she has a heart of gold. You definitely have to read the book because reading about these two characters and all the sub characters was so fun! Watch out for Dalton he’s my favorite J

I’m trying to think of at least one thing I didn’t like about the book but I really can’t think of anything. Well actually I lied I can think of something, I hated that cliff hanger! What the heck! I need to know more!! Anyways J This story definitely gets a 5 out of 5 stars, I’m in love with it.

View all my reviews

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