
03 January 2013

Breathe Tour: Author Interview

Breathe by Elena Dillon
Synopsis: Jasmine’s life wasn’t normal for a 16 year old girl. It hadn’t been normal since the murder of her older sister, Daisy, two years ago. Her life had been changed forever. The monster that murdered Daisy was never caught. That was the reason her family decided to move away from their hometown in Southern California, to start over. Hopefully in a place where the last name Rourke wouldn’t bring on staring or judgment or morbid curiosity.

In Lafayette, Louisiana things are quite a bit different but in a good way. Good manners, Cajun accents and a whole lot of Southern Hospitality all make her think things are going in the right direction. On top of that the most gorgeous boy she has ever met is interested in her. Her new friends are better than she could have hoped for even if she is worried about what they might think when they find out who she is. Life would be perfect if odd things didn’t keep happening. Creepy phone calls, texts, and flowers in her locker start adding up quickly to something terrifying. Could the Monster have followed them to Lafayette? Was he coming after her this time? Maybe she was just worrying unnecessarily…or not


P: What is your favorite part of being an author?
E: I think it’s creating the characters. Coming up with their personalities and their little, individual quirks. I want to either love them or hate them , depending on their function of course. It’s the best part.
P: Have you always known you’ve wanted to be an author?
E: When I was a kid I always thought so. I had a pretty low confidence level when I was younger and even though I wrote, I never showed it to anyone. Then I got married had kids and was very focused on that. It finally just seems like the right time. So yes I was always an writer but I never really thought I would be an author if that makes sense.
P: In addition to writing do you also like to read? If so what types of books?
E: I LOVE to read. If I am ever asked my favorite hobby or past time, reading is first. I used to walk around my house as a kid with a book in front of my face. My mom laughed that I could come downstairs, pour myself a drink, get something to eat and go back up without ever stopping reading! I love so many genres. I read YA, chick lit, romance, classics, thrillers, and nonfiction. I don’t like anything to graphic or gory. I have too vivid imagination and I will get screaming nightmares so horror is a no go.
P: Do you have any advice for aspiring authors?
E: Well I’m not sure I am qualified to give anyone advice in this area but I would say if you are thinking about writing a book make it a priority. Set aside time everyday or at least every week to write. Guard that time and don’t let anything get in your way. Also, whatever you want to write, read a lot in that genre. It will help you get a feel for what’s out there.
P: What can we expect from you in the future?
E: I have finished my second book, haven’t come up with the title yet. It is another Young Adult Romantic Suspense set near Charleston, South Carolina. I am planning on publishing that in March. I am starting my third book this month and I hope that one will be out in September.

Don't forget to check out Bewitching Book Tours because without them this tour would not be happening!
a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Thank you so much for having me on your blog! I greatly appreciate it! Good luck with your writing. I would love to read it.


  2. Great interview! Thanks for the giveaway :)


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