
08 May 2013

ARC Review: Spirit and Dust by Rosemary Clement Moore

Spirit and Dust by Rosemary Clement Moore
Release Date: May 14, 2013
Publisher: Delacorte Books For Young Readers
Book Format: ARC
Number of Pages: 304
Rating: 4 out of 5 Stars
Synopsis: Daisy Goodnight can speak to the dead. It’s not the result of a head injury or some near-death experience. She was just born that way. And she’s really good at it. Good enough to help the police solve the occasional homicide.

But helping the local authorities clear cold cases is one thing. Being whisked out of chemistry class by the FBI and flown to the scene of a murder/kidnapping in Minnesota? That’s the real deal.

Before the promotion can go to Daisy’s head, she’s up to her neck in trouble. The spirits are talking, and they’re terrified. There’s a real living girl in danger. And when Daisy is kidnapped by a crime boss with no scruples about using magic—and Daisy—to get what he wants, it looks like hers is the next soul on the line.

My Review:

I bought Spirit and Dust by Rosemary Clement-Moore off of Random Buzzers with my buzz bucks, and this is my honest review.

Before I even started the book I knew I was going to love it. I mean come on, the main character Daisy can talk to the dead and she helps them basically crossover. I’ve always been interested in those kind of plots, ghosts just interest me I’m not sure why. In the story we follow Daisy on her journey to helping the F.B.I. find a missing girl, and this is right where the story starts.

I enjoyed a lot of the elements of this story. One of my favorite parts was all the action. No matter what chapter we were in there was some type of action involving Daisy and probably a ghost and it always entertained me no matter what. Something that I didn’t quite love was how long it took for the romance to develop. There was two guys in the book and I was a little confused on which one of them was supposed to be the love interest, I’m thinking that was what the author was trying to do but either way I didn’t like the way the whole romance was planned out, but I must say that I did enjoy the ending.

Lets talk about characters when we met Daisy I wasn’t quite sure what to make of her. I knew that she could talk to the dead and I thought that was just awesome but, I wasn’t sure if she was like a tough fighter chick or if she was some weakling who has powers but still relies on guys to protect her. The next character we met was Agent Taylor, and I must say I was very happy to meet him. Even though he was a little bit older then Daisy I liked how his personality was described. He really looked out for Daisy and that was great.

I haven’t told you about Carson yet have I? This is the other “love interest” and I was like in love with his character as well. I honestly think that the suspense of are they going to kiss ever or not? Was what kept me thinking about these two characters and I have to say the author did a great job keeping that suspense alive! I couldn’t stop reading until something happened.

This story was very unique because it took place a good amount of the book in different museums and I’ve never seen that in a book before, so I enjoyed it. Overall the book gets a 4 out 5 stars because even though the romance was very drawn out and I didn’t love it the book still kept my interest in many other ways.

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