
07 May 2013

The Photo Traveler Tour: Review + Giveaway

It's Tuesday! and Comfort Books is participating in the, The Photo Traveler by Arthur J. Gonzalez tour hosted by Xpresso Reads! I'm so excited to share my review with you guys the book was so good.

The Photo Traveler by Arthur J. Gonzalez
Publication Date: February 20, 2013
Genre: YA Paranormal/Time Travel
Synopsis: Seventeen-year-old Gavin Hillstone is resigned to being miserable for the rest of his life. Left alone in the world after his parents died in a fire when he was four, he was placed in foster care, which for him meant ending up in an abusive home with an alcoholic adoptive father.

Gavin’s only escape is in taking and creating images. His camera is his refuge from the unending torture and isolation of daily life in his  “family.”

Until he learns by accident that he isn’t alone in the world after all. His father’s parents are still alive and living in Washington DC.

When he takes the plunge and travels 3,000 miles to find his grandparents, he learns that they—and he—are part of something much bigger, and more dangerous, than he could ever have imagined. Something that has always put his family at risk and that will now threaten his own life, while forever changing it. 

He learns that he is one of the last descendants of a small group of Photo Travelers—people who can travel through time and space through images. But his initial excitement turns to fear, when he soon discovers that he and his grandparents are being pursued by the fierce remnants of a radical European Photo Traveler cult, the Peace Hunters. What Gavin has, they want!

His adventure will take him to past eras, like The Great Depression and the Salem Witch Trials. Gavin will have to discover who he really is and must make choices that spell the difference between life and death for himself, for the relatives he now knows and loves, and for the girl he will come to love.

For Gavin Hillstone, life will never be the same.

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Meet The Author:
My name is Arthur J Gonzalez.  I’m 28 years old, born and raised in Miami, FL.  I graduated from the University of Florida.  I am currently   releasing my debut novel, The Photo Traveler.  The premise surrounds 17 – year old Gavin, who discovers he is part of a small group, called Photo Travelers, who can time travel through photos and images. 

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My Review:

I received The Photo Traveler by Arthur J. Gonzalez for review and this is my honest opinion.

First I will start off by saying I did enjoy this book, but the story near the end drove me throw crazy big loops. The Photo Traveler is about a boy named Gavin who one day after escaping his awful life living with his adopted dad finds out that he is a photo traveler. I bet you're wondering what that is, well he can basically take any picture that is based on something realistic and can travel to wherever that picture is in a matter of seconds. As many of you know I loved time travel books and this one makes my life grow even fonder!

I’m not exactly sure why I love time traveling books so much but I think just the suspense of being able to go the past but having to be extra careful not to change anything or else! it just intrigues me. During the course of this book the main character travels to many different places but the most interesting place he traveled too was a trial that was happening during the time of the Salem Witch Trials and I loved every second of that chapter despite what happened. Gavin took us on many great adventures so that is definitely a huge reason why you should pick this book up!

Gavin is a pretty cool character, he’s been through crazy things in his life from both of his parents dying in a fire when he was 4, to having his foster/adopted father beat the crap out of him for years after his foster/adopted mother dies. But even after all that he is able to be a good person and just make a good life for himself outside of his old one. I enjoy how much he cares about his grandparents, not many people are as crazy about their grandparents as Gavin is about his and it’s just so sweet.

The only thing about the book that kind of annoyed me was that the ending kind of felt rushed. Like Gavin did what he needed to do with the “bad guys” and then all this other random stuff was smooshed in where it did not need to go at the end. I’m thinking the author did that to make there need for the second book, because without all of that there wouldn’t necessarily be need for another book but still I didn’t like how the ending was written.

So overall the book gets a 4 out of 5 stars because even though the ending irked me I still very much loved all of the time traveling!


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  1. Time traveling is a subject I'm so fascinated with because there are endless ways to create a plot from it and invent how it all works. I'm glad you enjoyed this one! Great review! :)

  2. wow the purple eye ball of the book cover scares me!!


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