
19 May 2013

Author Interview: Thomas Amo

Forever Me by Thomas Amo
Publisher: Gothic Twist Publishing 
Release Date: October 11, 2012
Synopsis: Forever Me is considered YA and NA. 

Inspired by True Events

Hannah Richards isn't your typical 16 year-old at Wichita Falls High. Fashions, trends, cosmetics and style are unimportant to her. An avid reader, guitar player, classic movie and television buff, Hannah marches to the beat of her own drum. Visible only to her Father the town Sheriff, and her two best friends. Hannah lives a simple, un-pampered life as an "Eastie."

After coming to the aide of Taylor Monroe, a popular member of the ultra snobby "Stilettos" at school, Hannah's life beings spiraling out of control. As she starts spending more time with Taylor, her best friends abandon her, after a series of misunderstandings, causing Hannah to re-invent herself.

Hannah quickly gets caught up in a life much different than the one she knows, where status, glamour, makeup, appearance and acceptance become her masters. And what of the dark secret that haunts the streets of Wichita Falls?

Can Hannah survive the lies, deceit, jealousy and rage that are now waiting for her behind every corner? Will she succumb to the pressures of popularity? Or will she be crushed under the heels of the "Stilettos"?

~High school is hard enough just being yourself, let alone being someone you're not~

Meet The Author: 

Thomas Amo has been writing since he was a boy. His dream was always to write for the movies, television, theatre. In the late 1990's he began a career as a full time theatrical producer and while running his own theatre company began writing plays for the stage. In 2000 his first novel was published. It would be another decade before he published again. In August of 2012 he finished epic YA novel, "Forever Me." 

Follow me on Twitter:!/AuthorThomasAmo
or connect with me on Skype: Jordanfilms

Author Interview:

P: How long have you wanted to be an author?
T: Since I was a boy. Around 1971 my mom took me to Disneyland and after going through the Haunted Mansion, I knew
I wanted to write scary stories! I fell in love with that ride and begged my mom to buy the record for me before we left the park.
I played that record until it was warped, scratched until you couldn't listen to it anymore without it skipping. I thought if I could
write a great haunted house story, maybe someone would buy my book and I could buy my mom a house. (The imagination of a boy.)
Since then I've never given up the dream to write.

P: Books about High School could go either way. What made you want to write that kind of story?
T: I was just about to leave the house one morning when I caught a segment on morning television about a group of teen girls at a Texas high school who had organized a group called, “Redefining Beautiful.” They were trying to encourage fellow female students to go one day a week without makeup. They were stressing that you don’t need makeup to be beautiful. I was so amazed by their bravery and confidence to go against type, especially in high school and at an age where girls feel the most awkward with themselves. A close friend of mine who is a film producer had been asking me if I had anything I was working on I could share with him. By time the segment was over, I had the basic plot in my head and before I left the house, I already knew the ending of the story. I phoned my producer friend and told him I had something, we met that afternoon and I pitched the idea to him as a film. He loved the concept and told me he was interested. Could I write the screenplay? I went to work right away. But about 50 pages in, I found these characters were so lifelike, I felt it needed to be a book, it could always be a film later. I called my friend back, said, I have to write this as a novel. With his blessing and two years later. Forever ME was published.

P: Whats your favorite genre?
T: To write: Comedy for the stage although writing "Forever ME" was the best experience I ever had as an author. 
To Read: True Crime.
P: I love True Crime! I'm thinking about going to pick up a few of them soon :)

*Speed Round*

P: Paper and pen or Laptop?
T: Laptop!

P: Female MC or Male MC?
T: Female MC! I think there's always so much more to a female MC.

P: Paperback or Hardcover?
T: Hardcover is always preferred!

I hope you all enjoyed the little spotlight on the book/author and the author interview! I had a great experience interviewing Thomas and learning about his book! 

1 comment:

  1. I'm currently reading Forever ME and I'm 70% through!! I really like it so far. I hope to finish it today or tomorrow...

    Sapir @ Diary of a Wimpy Teen Girl 


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