
22 May 2013

Waiting On Wednesday

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly bookish meme created by Breaking The Spine, Every week we select books that we cannot wait for and feature them on our blogs! Here is my WoW!

a tale of two centuries by Rachel Harris 
Publisher: Entangled Teen
Release Date: August 6, 2013
Synopsis: Alessandra D’Angeli is in need of an adventure. Tired of her sixteenth-century life in Italy and homesick for her time-traveling cousin, Cat, who visited her for a magical week and dazzled her with tales of the future, Alessandra is lost. Until the stars hear her plea.

One mystical spell later, Alessandra appears on Cat’s Beverly Hills doorstep five hundred years in the future. Surrounded by confusing gadgets, scary transportation, and scandalous clothing, Less is hesitant to live the life of a twenty-first century teen…until she meets the infuriating—and infuriatingly handsome—surfer Austin Michaels. Austin challenges everything she believes in…and introduces her to a world filled with possibility.

With the clock ticking, Less knows she must live every moment of her modern life while she still can. But how will she return to the drab life of her past when the future is what holds everything she’s come to love?

Why am I waiting on this? I had the opportunity to read the first book in this series called My Super Sweet Sixteenth Century and it was absolutely amazing! I love time travel stories and I have to admit Lorenzo was pretty swoon worthy as well!  


  1. Nice! Never read the first in this series. Hope you enjoy this edition once you get it!

    Here's my WoW

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  2. Paige I love that cover! What a fun and interesting book! Great choice!

    Come on by Harlie's Books and see what we have up this week!

  3. I loved book one and can't wait for this one. Great pick!

    Here's my if you'd like to check it out :)

  4. I haven't read the first book, but this series looks really cute and I like what Entangled has been putting out lately. Great pick!
    New follower via GFC. I'd love it if you'd follow back.
    Natflix&Books' WoW

  5. Ooh, I've heard of the other book, but not this one. Sounds like an interesting premise! :)

  6. Ok this sounds ADORABLE!!! Too fun! I hadn't heard of it until now! Great choice! Happy reading.
    Waiting on Weds @Libby Blog


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