
31 May 2013

In My Mailbox e-book Edition #17 + Weekly Wrap Up

In My Mailbox is a weekly bookish meme created by Kristi over at The Story Siren, and is now hosted by Gabrielle over at The Mod Podge Bookshelf. What you do is show off all the books you have gotten in the last week! :) Here are my books!

Im Not Her by Janet Gurtler
Synopsis: Tess is the exact opposite of her beautiful, athletic sister. And that’s okay. Kristina is the sporty one, Tess is the smart one, and they each have their place. Until Kristina is diagnosed with cancer. Suddenly Tess is the center of the popular crowd, everyone eager for updates. There are senior boys flirting with her. Yet the smiles of her picture-perfect family are cracking and her sister could be dying. Now Tess has to fill a new role: the strong one. Because if she doesn’t hold it together, who will?

Of Silver and Beasts by Trisha Wolfe
Synopsis: In the sand-covered queendom of Cavan, the goddess once saved a young Kaliope’s life, preventing the mercury her father attempted to hide in her blood from reaching her heart. Now, a cybernetic clamp filters it, but the silver streaks swirling faintly beneath her skin are a constant reminder that she’s different.

When nineteen-year-old Kaliope is chosen as head of the Nactue Guard, she becomes the sworn protector to her empress. In the midst of an invasion on a neighboring land, Kaliope is placed in charge of guarding Prince Caben, the last heir to his kingdom. But when they’re attacked by the feared Otherworlders, Caben and Kaliope are abducted and taken below to a realm where they must fight for their life in a caged arena. 

Kaliope struggles to protect her princely charge, keeping him and herself alive while battling inhumanly opponents, and trying to save the stolen, sacred relic that will restore her empress’s life force and all of Cavan. And if she can somehow awaken the goddess within her, she may save what’s most important.

New Adult Dark Fantasy: Intended for readers 17 years of age and older.

Escape From Eden by Elisa Nader
Synopsis: Since the age of ten, Mia has lived under the iron fist of the fundamentalist preacher who lured her mother away to join his fanatical family of followers. In Edenton, a supposed “Garden of Eden” deep in the South American jungle, everyone follows the Reverend’s strict but arbitrary rules—even the mandate of whom they can marry. Now sixteen, Mia dreams of slipping away from the armed guards who keep the faithful in, and the curious out. When the rebellious and sexy Gabriel, a new boy, arrives with his family, Mia sees a chance to escape. 

But the scandalous secrets the two discover beyond the compound’s façade are more shocking than anything they ever imagined. While Gabriel has his own terrible secrets, he and Mia bond together, more than friends and freedom fighters. But is there time to think of each other as they race to stop the Reverend’s paranoid plan to free his flock from the corrupt world? Can two teenagers crush a criminal mastermind? And who will die in the fight to save the ones they love from a madman who’s only concerned about his own secrets?

Confessions of an Almost Girlfriend by Louise Rozett
Synopsis: Rose Zarelli has big plans for sophomore year—everything is going to be different. This year, she’s going to be the talented singer with the killer voice, the fabulous girl with the fashionista best friend, the brainiac who refuses to let Jamie Forta jerk her around...

...but if she’s not careful, she’s also going to be the sister who misses the signals, the daughter who can only think about her own pain, the “good girl” who finds herself in mid-scandal again (because no good deed goes unpunished) and possibly worst of all...the almost-girlfriend.

When all else fails, stop looking for love and go find yourself.

The Rockin' Chair by Steven Manchester
Synopsis: Memories are the ultimate contradiction. They can warm us on our coldest days or they can freeze a loved one out of our lives forever. The McCarthy family has a trove of warm memories. Of innocent first kisses. Of sumptuous family meals. Of wondrous lessons learned at the foot of a rocking chair. But they also have had their share of icy ones. Of words that can never be unsaid. Of choices that can never be unmade. Of actions that can never be undone.

Following the death of his beloved wife, John McCarthy Grandpa John calls his family back home. It is time for them to face the memories they have made, both warm and cold. Only then can they move beyond them and into the future.

A rich portrait of a family at a crossroad, THE ROCKIN' CHAIR is Steven Manchester’s most heartfelt and emotionally engaging novel to date. If family matters to you, it is a story you must read.

Weekly Wrap Up:



Blog Tours/Hops:



  1. I have not read any of these, but they look pretty awesome :D Hope you'll enjoy them sweetie. <3

  2. Great books! Thanks for visiting me.

  3. I have one of Janet Gurtler's books but I haven't touched it yet! They do seem to be quite good though, so I'll have to give it a read some time soon.
    Thanks for stopping by!
    Nara @ Looking for the Panacea

  4. I hope you enjoy of Silver and Beast :) I still need to read my copy! Thanks for stopping by My Haul!


  5. Cool haul. Happy reading :)


  6. I haven't yet read anything by Janet Gurtler but I would like to asap ^_^ Confession of an Almost-Girlfriend sounds interesting, I read the first book and thought it was okay.

    I hope you enjoy all your books,
    Sam @ Falling Books :D

  7. The first two books I'm familiar with. The last two are new to me. You find books that are very interesting. Nice haul.


  8. Nice assortment of books. I hope you enjoy them all. Thanks for visiting my blog. Happy reading!

  9. I loved Of Silver and Beasts so much! Check out my review HERE, if you are interested :D

    Thanks for visiting my blog!

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. I love Janet Gurtler's writing but haven't gotten around to reading I'm Not Her. I really need to fix this :) Enjoy all your books this week!

    Thanks for commenting on my mailbox post.
    Kris @Imaginary Reads

  12. Great haul , Paige. Confessions of an Almost Girlfriend sounds great. Enjoy !


I love to hear from you guys so leave as many as your heart desires =)