
01 June 2013

Yellow Socks and Blood Spots Tour: Character Interview

Yellow Socks and Blood Spots by Bailey J. Thompson
Synopsis: Two lines means pregnant, and pregnant is the very last thing seventeen-year-old Isabelle wants to be. She’s just beginning her senior year, she’s rekindling the respectable relationship she once had with her family and she’s finally fallen in love.

Her boyfriend, Jason, wants an abortion, while Isabelle wants to give her baby a chance at life, whether that means adoption or raising her baby herself. Her situation raises a question of values, beliefs, rights, societal expectations and personal opinions, and as Isabelle’s friends and family discover the news, they seem to think that only they know what’s best for her and her baby. Within two weeks of finding out about their beautiful disaster, Isabelle and Jason have to come to a mutual agreement and make a life or death decision.

Meet The Author:
Bailey J Thompson is a teenage author that resides in Barrie, Ontario, Canada. She has been storytelling since the moment she could talk, and has since developed passions for creative writing, photography, nature and the environment. Yellow Socks and Blood Spots is her debut novel.

Character Interview:
Note: This is an interview with the two main characters in the book, Isabelle and Jason! I hope you love it!

Questions for Isabelle:
P: Teenage pregnancy definitely isn't easy. What is it like so far for you?
I: Weird. I've seen it happen to so many of my classmates but I never really thought it would happen to me. Jason doesn't want me to tell anybody, so I haven't had anybody to talk to about it, really. I told my friend Whitney, but she's determined to prove it's just a fluke. But I know it's true... It's the kind of thing that you just know. I'm not really sure how to feel. In a way, I'm scared, but at the same time, I'm kind of excited.

P: What are your parents thinking about it?
I: They're so much more supportive than I thought they would be! My mom was adopted as a baby, and my father's mother was 18 when she had him. They've both been exposed to two of the possible outcomes, and they're completely on my side no matter what I choose. They even said I could stay at their house if I need to raise my baby there for a while at first. I expected them to blow up, or freak out... but they were pretty calm about it.

P: Do you think you and Jason will make it?
I: Yeah! Totally. He's such a great person and I love him so much. He loves me too and we're in this together. I think he's behind me no matter what we decide.  

Questions for Jason:
P: Your girlfriend is pregnant what is going through your head right now about the pregnancy?
J: What are we going to do? What are we going to do? I really don't want a kid right now, I mean, I love kids but not at 17. and my Dad is pretty much going to blow up when he finds out... if he finds out. If I can avoid telling him, I will. I'm really not ready for a baby. I love Isabelle so much and I want to have a family with her one day, but not now.
P: Do you plan to be supportive?
J: Yeah. I'm kind of scared she's going to leave me to have the baby or something. She can get to extremes sometimes, she's a little dramatic too. I really want what's best for both of us though. I don't think having a baby is what is best. She's a really smart girl, she's got a bright future ahead of her and a baby would really be a roadblock. I'm here for her, but I really am going to push what I believe is right for both of us.
P: Do you think you and Isabelle will make it? 
J: I once told her that if anyone breaks up the relationship, it will be her. I mean that. I'm not going anywhere.

I have to say this was the best interview I have given so far! I hope you all enjoyed it, and thanks for stopping by today :)

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