
06 May 2013

Lost and Found Tour: Guest Post

It's Monday! and Comfort Books is participating in the Lost & Found by Nicole Williams tour. Which is hosted by AToMR Tours! Let's get started.

Lost & Found by Nicole Williams
Release Date: May 7, 2013
There’s complicated. And there’s Rowen Sterling.

After numbing pain for the past five years with boys, alcohol, and all-around apathy, she finds herself on a Greyhound bus to nowhere Montana the summer after she graduates high school. Her mom agreed to front the bill to Rowen’s dream art school only if Rowen proves she can work hard and stay out of trouble at Willow Springs Ranch. Cooking breakfast at the crack of dawn for a couple dozen ranch hands and mucking out horse stalls are the last things in the world Rowen wants to spend her summer doing.

Until Jesse Walker saunters into her life wearing a pair of painted-on jeans, a cowboy hat, and a grin that makes something in her chest she’d thought was frozen go boom-boom. Jesse’s like no one else, and certainly nothing like her. He’s the bright and shiny to her dark and jaded.

Rowen knows there’s no happily-ever-after for the golden boy and the rebel girl—happily-right-now is a stretch—so she tries to forget and ignore the boy who makes her feel things she’s not sure she’s ready to feel. But the more she pushes him away, the closer he seems to get. The more she convinces herself she doesn’t care, the harder she falls.

When her dark secrets refuse to stay locked behind the walls she’s kept up for years, Rowen realizes it’s not just everyone else she needs to be honest with. It’s herself.

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Meet The Author:
I'm a wife, a mom, a writer. I started writing because I loved it and I'm still writing because I love it. I write young adult because I still believe in true love, kindred spirits, and happy endings. Here's to staying young at heart *raises champagne glass* . . . care to join me? 

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Guest Post:

Interesting Facts About Lost and Found
By Nicole Williams

• I’ve been bucked off a horse, bitten by a horse, stepped on by a horse . . . and I still love their spry little hearts. Always have. Always will. Jesse’s horse, Sunny, is inspired by a “special” horse from my past.

• Of all eleven of my books, LOST AND FOUND is the one I’m most proud of. It felt like it ripped my soul out, stomped on it, then picked it up and gave it a big ol’ hug before putting it back. It was equally heart wrenching and warming.

• Josie’s name was originally Rachael, but I changed it after I finished writing the book because the character just wasn’t a “Rachael” to me.

• The two songs I listened to most while writing L&F were THE DANCE by Garth Brooks and FIX YOU by Coldplay. Kind of on opposite sides of the spectrum, which pretty much fits when it comes to Jesse and Rowen’s relationship.

• The truck Jesse drives, Old Bessie, in L&F was inspired by an old truck of my grandpa’s that “went out to pasture” on my parent’s land. A decade later, someone bought it and fixed it up.

• Rose, Jesse’s mom, still has Jesse’s first pair of cowboy boots tucked away to hopefully pass down to his son one day


a Rafflecopter giveaway

1 comment:

  1. This sounds like it is going to be an amazing read. I can't wait to read this book. Thank you for the amazing giveaway!!


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