
14 June 2013

In My Mailbox 76 (JAKES BACK) + Weekly Wrap Up!

In My Mailbox is a weekly bookish meme where we show off the books we get during the week. This is created by Kristi over at The Story Siren and now hosted by Gabrielle over at The Mod Podge Bookshelf!


Review: (Spencer Hill Press)
Breaking Glass by Lisa Amowitz 
Perfection by J.L. Spelbring

Weekly Wrap Up:

You Have Seven Messages by Stewart Lewis

Teaser Tuesday

Blog Tour/Hops-
PODs Book Blitz
The Do Over Tour: Guest Post + Giveaway

PODs Book Blitz
The Do Over Tour: Guest Post + Giveaway


  1. Nice! Those are new to me! Hope you enjoy them!

    My STS will be up tomorrow, so be sure to stop by then!

    Have a GREAT weekend!

    Old Follower :)

  2. I got my ARC of Perfection too :) And Breaking Glass looks interesting! Great haul and thanks for stopping by My Haul!


  3. I've heard a lot about Perfection!! I hope you enjoy it along with your other books.

    - Sam @ Falling Books

  4. Jake is funny. He had me cracking up. You got some good books. Hadn't heard of Perfection before.


  5. I've never heard of any of these books before, but I hope you enjoy reading them all Paige! (:
    Thanks for stopping by my STS!

  6. Great set of books. I had my eye on Breaking Glass for awhile. Hope you enjoy it. Happy reading :)

  7. Breaking Glass looks great! I hope you enjoy it. :-)

  8. Great books for you this week! I hope you enjoy them!
    Brittany S

  9. You guys are TOO GOOFY!!! I miss the kiddos at school now that it's summer and it's mostly just me working in the libraries all summer long on my own and no kiddos!:( You just made me really miss them! Happy reading!
    Our Week in Books @Libby Blog

  10. I've actually never heard of those, but now I'm definitely putting them on my TBR! Especially Breaking Glass. It looks pretty awesome. Can't wait for your review! Happy reading :)

  11. Nice book haul! I haven't heard of either of those, and I hope you enjoy them!

  12. Great haul! Perfection sounds really good and I love the cover for Breaking Glass. I hope you enjoy everything. :)

    Krystianna @ Downright Dystopian

  13. Haven't read those books but they sounds awesome :D Hope you enjoy it all sweetie. <3
    Thank you for commenting on my mailbox last week. <3
    Love, Carina @ Carina's Books


I love to hear from you guys so leave as many as your heart desires =)