
10 July 2013

Children of the Blood Tour: Review + Giveaway

The Children And The Blood by Megan Joel Peterson
Series: The Children and the Blood #1
Publication Date: February 28, 2013
Genre: YA Urban Fantasy
Synopsis: A forgotten life.

A secret war.

Eight years ago, an exploding gas main killed Ashley’s family and left her with a childhood she can’t remember. Eight years later, the forgotten past is behind her and life on her isolated farm is all she knows.

Until that past comes looking for her.

Until men with superhuman powers hunt her down in the night, determined to take everything she loves away from her again

Meet The Author:

Megan Joel Peterson lives somewhere between the cornfields of Illinois and fantasy worlds filled with magic and wizards. She has a degree in English Literature from the University of Illinois, and has worked a little bit of everywhere over the years. Now she spends her days and nights creating new stories, and thinks writing is the best job she ever could have asked for. The Children and The Blood is her first published novel.

Author links:

My Review:
I received The Children and the Blood by Megan Joel Peterson for a book tour and this is my honest review.

Reading the synopsis of this book I was not sure if it was going to be in my interests but as soon as I started reading the book quickly grasped me and I could not put it down. In the beginning we meet Ashley who is living with her little family on a secluded farm and all is well until one night turns her whole life upside down. In a separate chapter we meet Cole and we are not yet sure why he is brought into the lives of Ashley and her sister Lily but he happens to be very important for one of them.

Usually the kind of books that have a few or two different perspectives in the book I enjoy because either their lives are already together or their lives are going to be brought together pretty soon but that was not the case really with this one. The two main characters Ashley, and Cole have their separate chapters and in some ways their lives are sort of connected but there is never a point in the story where they actually cross paths and considering the circumstances this really annoys me. But there is a second book so hopefully it will happen then. 

I have to say that to me Cole was very brave and courageous. When he found out where those bad guys were going instead of getting away and going somewhere where nobody could find him which he very well could have done, he went after them in hopes to save the people they were about to terrorize. On an entirely different note i’m going to this character because she is connected to Cole in certain ways. Lily we saw her abilities a few times throughout the book and I wish we could have seen more of her and what she could do all together. 

The book was more or less based on Ashley and where she escaped to which sort of irked me because when you split up a book between characters most of the time they get equal parts but that was not the case here. Ashley got most of the book and Cole got little side parts most of the time, this is another thing I am hoping will change by book two. 

To be completely honest though I enjoyed the powers that some of the characters had. Like Ashleys ability to completely combust into flames without burning herself to protect herself and whoever else she wanted to that was very cool. But again this is where I had issues because I got to know a lot about Ashley’s powers but very little of Lily’s all we saw her do was heal herself and Cole pretty quickly but it was not really dwelled on.

 Overall The Children and the Blood gets a 4 out of 5 because it did have the ability to hold my interest even if I wished a few things were different. I cannot wait to see how every fans out in book two!


One Lucky person who comments below will get an e-copy of The Children and the Blood. Doesn't matter what you say as long as it's positive. Also be sure to leave your email if you are entering the giveaway! 

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