
09 July 2013

Release Day Review: Breaking Glass by Lisa Amowitz

Breaking Glass by Lisa Amowitz
Release Date: July 9, 2013
Publisher: Spencer Hill Press
Book Format: ARC 
Number of Pages: 297
Rating: 5 out of 5 Stars
Synopsis: On the night seventeen-year-old Jeremy Glass winds up in the hospital with a broken leg and a blood alcohol level well above the legal limit, his secret crush, Susannah, disappears. When he begins receiving messages from her from beyond the grave, he's not sure whether they're real or if he's losing his grip on reality. Clue by clue, he gets closer to unraveling the mystery, and soon realizes he must discover the truth or become the next victim himself.

My Review:
I received Breaking Glass by Lisa Amowitz from Spencer Hill Press, for review and this is my honest review.

Holy moly, Breaking Glass was a crazy roller coaster ride and I loved every second of it! Jeremey Glass seems like an average guy but throughout the story we find out that he is definitely not. We watch him struggle with the death of his mother, and the lose of his leg as well as the lose of “the love of his life” the struggle was life threatening but well worth reading. 

This story was totally my kind of book, I loved following Jeremy as he was trying to put together the clues to solving Susannah’s death. This was one of the reasons I could not put the book down, because there was never a dull moment. Every chapter had some sort of clue as to what happened, or some kind of action it was great.

During the book I found myself going back and forth between what I thought happened to Susannah, and who had caused her to disappear. For a good part of the book I completely blamed Ryan. I had absolutely no liking for him whatsoever and I was convinced that I never would. Thats another thing I liked about the book though Amowitz did such a good job shaping the characters to where you couldn’t see right through them because all the sudden the character would change and you’d be left completely dumbfounded. That may annoy some people but I kind of enjoyed it.

 I was not sure what I thought about Jeremy's dad, I liked him but there were many times in the book where I feel like he could have been a lot more understanding. Jeremy needed him so much even though he tried not to show it and his dad just was not there most of the time. Patrick Morgan on the other hand, hated him! I am not going to tell you his fate but let me just tell you it was amazing! One other character I loved was Marisa, when we first met her I figured she was going to be a one time only character but she reappeared often and I enjoyed what her part in the story came to be I was kind of hoping for that to happen too!

I loved how easily Amowitz made the story flow. Normally with a story that has flashbacks and has so many different conflicts it would be very hard to follow. But the story flowed smoothly and that is what in my eyes made this a 5 star book.

I hope you all enjoyed this review, tell me what you think in the comments! 

1 comment:

  1. This sounds interesting. I love ghost stories so I'll have to check this out!


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