
31 December 2013

2013 Book Challenges Wrap Up!

The Debut Author Challenge was hosted by Hobbitsies this year so definitely check this challenge out next year if it is still running because it is so fun! 

My Challenge: Read 12 Debut Author Reads in 2013
Completed: 9 out of 12 books (75% Finished)

The 2013 TBR Pile Challenge was hosted by a variety of different blogs so I am not going to list them all but they are all pretty amazing!

My Challenge: Read 15 books from my TBR pile
Completed: 14 out of 15 books (93% finished) SO CLOSE! I'm so bummed that I only had to read one more book, If I realized I would have read one more a few weeks ago!

The Sophomore Reading Challenge was hosted by Chick Loves Lit

My Challenge: Read 5 Sophomore Books in 2013
Completed: 8 out of 5 Books (160% Finished) WOOHOO! I FINISHED AND THEN SOME :)

The YA Contemporary Challenge was hosted by Katies Book Blog

My Challenge: Read 5 YA Contemporary Books
Completed: Read 8 out of 5 books (160% Finished) Haha finished and then some again but only because these two challenges were small goals. 

My 2013 Goodreads Reading Challenge

2013 Reading Challenge

2013 Reading Challenge
Paige has read 64 books toward her goal of 80 books.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats! You did an awesome job on your challenges! Two you even read more for and one you were sooooo close. :) Sounds like you read a lot of great books in 2013. Happy reading in 2014. :)


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