
02 January 2014

2014 TBR Pile Challenge Sign Up Post

The TBR Pile Challenge is hosted again this year by the ladies over at Bookish!
The challenge is to pick a reading goal and read that many books off our your TBR Pile! 

The Goals are:
1-10 A Firm Handshake
11-20 A Friendly Hug
21-30 First Kiss
31-40 Sweet Summer Fling
41-50 Could this be love?
50+ Married w/ Children

My Goal: 
11-20 A Friendly Hug!

Suggestions? Check out my TBR Pile shelf on goodreads and throw me a comment on this post to suggest what I should read for my challenge! :) 
(You have to be friends with my I believe to view the shelf so add me!)

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