
31 March 2014

Review: Model Position by Kitsy Clare

Model Position by Kitsy Clare
Publisher: Inkspell Publishing
Release Date: February 16, 2014
# of Pages: 85
Book Format: e-Book
Synopsis: For Sienna, love and art are perilous games. Is she ready to take that gamble?

Sienna is a beautiful, talented artist poised on the precipice of soaring into the glamorous, yet cutthroat Manhattan art scene.

Dave Hightower is a hooked-up, handsome heir to the hippest gallery in NYC, Gallery Hightower.

Erik is the live drawing model with his sizzling green eyes fixed only on Sienna.

Three’s a crowd, so Sienna must make a choice: date Dave and ride the fast track to landing a show at Gallery Hightower and hobnobbing with the art glitterati, or follow her heart and take a chance with Erik, the stunning male model who’s stealing her heart. But Erik has some worrisome secrets, and who in their right mind would make live modeling their career? 

Dare Sienna throw away her chances of hitting it big to follow her heart?

My Review:
I received Model Position by Kitsy Clare from the publisher and this is my honest review. 

When asked to review this short novella I was excited because I have been meaning to read more adult books lately and getting on that was short enough for me to read in one sitting was great because of how little time I have to read lately! The book was awesome and by the end I was definitely wanting more! Now I am not sure if this is going to be a series or if it was just a short book to get readers ready for this new author, I will have to do a little research on that. 

Model Position was a cute sort of love/ambition story about a girl named Sienna who is an aspiring artist. Her character was okay, I did not really fall in love with her for a few reasons. The first is because in the beginning she was into her friend Dave, but as the story went on she was more or less using him for the people he knew which was not cool, people that do that just do not strike me as good people. Also we did not really get to know her as much as readers should get to know their main characters. The deepest thing we got was that her mother had been through like 3 divorces and that Sienna really liked being an artist. I was really hoping to get to know her a little better. 

To be honest I liked Dave even though I imagine some people would say he was arrogant and a jerk. But I feel like I felt for him because Sienna was treating him kind of crappy so I definitely liked Dave, I feel like we learned more about him and the other male character then we did about the actual main character. I find it funny that I feel like this now because looking back at the notes I took while reading I said I did not like dave because he seemed like a rich jock but I guess I changed my mind huh?

I just have to give Erik his own paragraph because I just fell in love with his character. In the beginning I was kind of like “yeah he is definitely a player and she is stupid for getting close to him” but he proved me very very wrong so I was very happy about that. The author did a great job describing him as well I had to keep myself from drooling over him while reading.

Overall the book was just what I was looking for. It had the perfect amount of romance and regular character activity which in this case would be art. Although the book ended abruptly which angered me because I was getting into the part it ended on. Everything else about the book I enjoyed I just wish it would have had a better more satisfying ending.

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