
01 April 2014

Teaser Tuesday: Girls Love Travis Walker by Anne Pfeffer

Teaser Tuesday is a weekly meme created and hosted over at Should Be Reading. And this is where we show off what we're reading and give a little teaser from the book as well!

Girls Love Travis Walker by Anne Pfeffer
Release Date: March 15, 2013
Synopsis: To nineteen-year-old high school dropout Travis Walker, women are like snowflakes--each one different, but beautiful in her own way.

He can charm any girl he meets, and yet down deep he fears he'll always be a loser like his jailbird father. As the landlady threatens to evict him and his sick mother, Travis takes a job he hates and spends his evenings picking up girls at a nearby night spot.

When he enlists in a teen program at the local fire station, he finds out he’s amazing at it. Then he meets the smoking hot Kat Summers, enlists Kat’s friend Zoey to help him woo her, and falls in love for the first time ever. 

But he keeps the details of his life secret. His girl will never love him back if she knows the truth about him…

"I was at the community center when I first smelled the fire. The lunch service hadn't started yet, so I walked outside to look northeast in the direction of the mountains. Smoke filled the sky.

I hope you all enjoyed this teaser! Leave me links to yours below!

1 comment:

I love to hear from you guys so leave as many as your heart desires =)