
11 May 2014

In My Mailbox 96 + Weekly Wrap Up

In My Mailbox is a weekly meme created by Kristi over at The Story Siren, and what we do is show off the books we have received throughout the week! Here is what I have received!

Around The World ARC Tours:
Vengeance by Megan Miranda

Borrowed from Work:
Dead River by Cyn Balog

Extreme Couponing: Learn How to Be a Savvy Shopper and Save Money One Coupon at a Time by Joni Meyer-Crothers

You Should Have Known by Jean Haniff Korelitz
Tease by Amanda Maciel 
Heartbeat by Elizabeth Scott
My Secret Fantasies by Joanne Rock

Paperback Swap:
Always Looking Up: The Adventures of an Incurable Optimist by Michael J. Fox

From Work:
No Book but the World by Leah Hager Cohen
The Interns Handbook: A Thriller by Shane Kuhn
The Vacationers by Emma Straub
Invisible Ellen by Shari Shattuck

Weekly Wrap Up:

Seven Day Fiancé by Rachel Harris

Blog Tours:
Book Blitz: Finally Forever by Katie Kacvinsky

Teaser Tuesday: Strange Sweet Song by Adi Rule

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