
03 August 2014

Early Review: Famous Last Words by Katie Alender

Famous Last Words by Katie Alender
Publisher: Point
Release Date: September 30, 2014
Book Format: ARC
# of Pages: 320
Synopsis: Hollywood history, mystery, murder, mayhem, and delicious romance collide in this unputdownable thriller from master storyteller Katie Alender.

Willa is freaking out. It seems like she's seeing things. Like a dead body in her swimming pool. Frantic messages on her walls. A reflection that is not her own. It's almost as if someone -- or something -- is trying to send her a message.

Meanwhile, a killer is stalking Los Angeles -- a killer who reenacts famous movie murder scenes. Could Willa's strange visions have to do with these unsolved murders? Or is she going crazy? And who can she confide in? There's Marnie, her new friend who may not be totally trustworthy. And there's Reed, who's ridiculously handsome and seems to get Willa. There's also Wyatt, who's super smart but unhealthily obsessed with the Hollywood Killer.

All Willa knows is, she has to confront the possible-ghost in her house, or she just might lose her mind . . . or her life.

Acclaimed author Katie Alender puts an unforgettable twist on this spine-chilling tale of murder, mystery, mayhem -- and the movies.

Meet The Author:
Katie Alender (rhymes with “calendar”!) grew up in South Florida, which probably explains the recurring alligator dreams (one of which is documented in Bad Girls Don’t Die). She is the third of four children (three girls and a boy) and the child of three very loving and encouraging parents.

She attended high school at the Palm Beach County School of the Arts, studying Communication Arts. From there, she went on to the Florida State University Film School, which led her to her current hometown, a tiny hamlet on the West Coast known as “Los Angeles.”

She enjoys writing, reading, sewing (especially quilts), trying to grow plants, birdwatching in the backyard, photography, visiting friends’ blogs, and hanging out with her husband (known on the blog as “the husb”), her daughter, and her little brown dog, Scooter.

Her first brush with publication was the article “So You Want to Live On Mars?” published in Sassy magazine in December 1991. 

My Review:
I received Famous Last Words by Katie Alender from the publisher and this is my honest review.

Starting this book there was skepticism as to whether or not I would like it because all of her books seem to have the same elements ghosts, murder of a young women, and a serial killer. I have only read one other book by Alender but that book had all the same aspects. I was however pleasantly surprised, this novel had some of the same elements yes but the story was unique in its own ways and it kept my eyes glued to the pages.

Main character, Willa is a teenager uprooted from her home in Connecticut to live in Los Angeles with her mother and new stepfather who is also a famous screenwriter. Willa seems normal on the outside, but when she's alone her world turns crazy. 2 years ago she lost her father suddenly. Willa was convinced her fathers death was her fault which resulted in her trying to contact him from beyond the grave every day. We were introduced to her father not being around anymore pretty early on in the book so as you can imagine I was very curious to find out how her father died.

In the beginning we meet Willas new stepfather Jonathan and for awhile I wasn’t sure how to feel about him. He had his annoying stepdad moments more then he had his nice guy moments so as you can imagine I wasn’t to accepting, but Alender made sure that changed by the end of the novel in a good way. Willas mother kind of drove me crazy as well. She seemed like one of those women who got a new husband and needed to change her whole life to keep him, and that is usually the worst kind of character. She had a heart of gold, and she cared about her daughter but I think she could have been taken down a notch maybe.

Lets get into the plot, The Hollywood Killer is a serial killer that has been going around LA for a few years killing young actresses. Willas family was convinced she would not have to worry because she was not an actress, but that did not stop her from worrying. Soon after Willa moved into her new house she started feeling odd. She would see and hear things that were not there and sounded crazy when she tried to explain what was going on. I cannot really go into anymore detail without giving spoilers but just know from here the story twisted and turned and it just got amazing!

The last few things I wanted to talk about were more sub characters, because they make the story as well as the main character. Reed was introduced first so I will say this and this only I had many feelings for him throughout the entire book, and those feelings changed often. The last character (best for last right?) Wyatt was my favorite. He was mysterious in a way that was a little creepy but a lot cute. The first time he was mentioned in the book I was praying he would find his way into the story and thank god he did! I loved how everything in this book came together in the end, I could not be happier.

I would recommend this book to anybody looking for a book to keep you on your toes.

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