
09 August 2014

Review: Find Me Where the Water Ends by Rachel Carter

Find Me Where the Water Ends by Rachel Carter
Publisher: HarperTeen
Release Date: July 1, 2014
Book Format: Hardcover 
# of Pages: 352
Synopsis: Lydia has been trained into a person she might have once feared: focused, fierce, deadly. Although she never wanted the life of a Montauk Project recruit, the Project has captured someone she loves-someone she'll do anything to save.

Then Lydia glimpses a world in which the Montauk Project never existed. The Project has taken so much from Lydia already, but she knows that she will sacrifice everything to make her vision of a world without the Project a reality.

Publishers Weekly said that "readers will be hooked" by Rachel Carter's plot-twisting So Close to You series. The conspiracy theories, romance, and compelling "what if?" questions build to a satisfying series end, making Find Me Where the Water Ends the perfect fit for the teen fans of light science fiction like The Time Traveler's Wife.

Meet The Author:
I'm a young adult writer and my debut novel, So Close to You, is the start of a three book series with HarperTeen.

Also, it's about time travel. Which I love. Along with vampires, werewolves, epic Russian historical romances, and movies starring Ryan Gosling.

Please, please recommend books to me, especially YA and romance (the more obscure the better!). I'm always looking for new stories to fall in love with.

My Review:
I borrowed Find Me Where The Water Ends by Rachel Carter from work and this is my honest review.

When my eyes landed on Find Me Where The Water Ends at work, I knew I needed to borrow it. This is the third book in an astonishing trilogy that I have not been able to get enough of since the first book, So Close To You came out awhile ago. A little background for the trilogy; We meet Lydia a young teenager living at home trying to understand with her grandfather how his father many years ago disappeared. This takes her on a long journey through time in which she meets Wes the man she will fall in love with.

The first few pages of this novel were a bit confusing for the soul reason that it had been a long time since I had read the second book. But a few chapters in the book was written in a way that sparked the memories of the first two books which was extremely helpful. 

As I read through the book, it was impossible to put down. The action, the twists and turns, the feels between Lydia and Wes never stopped. Every time I turned a page something bigger happened, this is why I love Carters writing. There were some spots of confusion farther in the book, like when we re-met Tag, Lg, and Nikki because for the life of me I could not remember who they were but as I read on they memories came back to me.

I was honestly afraid this book was going to be a sad ending, and for a minute there at the very end I was completely devastated, but everything came through and I could not be happier! These books are my ultimate favorite in the time travel genre and I would recommend them to anyone. Definitely a solid 5 stars.

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