
30 December 2015

Contemporary Romance Reading Challenge 2016

I feel like its been awhile since I've posted anything but one of my new year resolutions is to put my blog back together and start posting regularly again. I did not put all of the hard work into this to just give up. So any followers that have not heard from me in awhile stay tuned because 2016 will be great! 

Included in my resolution to be better at posting, I am also going to actually participate in the challenges that I sign up for. The first one being the, Contemporary Romance Reading Challenge hosted by Gone With the Words or Love at First Page (Amazing names for blogs by the way!) To sign up for yourself or see what goes into this challenge head over to either of the pages above! 

There are several different levels to choose from, and normally I would be overly ambitious but since I want to be successful and also be apart of several other challenges I am going to go for the first level which is, 1st Base! this means my challenge is to read somewhere between 1-5 books. 

Thanks so much for everyone who stopped by! Question for everyone before you go, what Contemporary Romance books would you recommend for me? I have an idea but I really do not know what to pick! 


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