
31 December 2015

Finishing the Series Challenge 2016

Hi again! My next challenge is a new one I found this year, Finishing the Series 2016 challenge. The reason I picked this is because I have a never ending list of series that I have started and have not finished! P.S. This challenge is hosted by, Bea's Book Nook so click the link to check this challenge out and or sign up!

There are several levels and I really feel confident to go for Level 2 which is 2-4 series, but again since I am trying to get back into the swing of things and so for that reason I will start with Level 1 which is 1 series and if I do better than that I will feel accomplished! 

The series I want to catch up on is....

*Drum Roll Please*

The Mortal Instrument Series by Cassandra Clare!!

The reason I choose this series is because I have read the first two and have not gotten past that point for whatever reason. But I feel determined that this year I will get through the rest of the books!

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