
02 January 2016

2016 TBR Pile Reading Challenge

Out of all of my challenges this one and one other one are the ones I participate in every year and so  of course I must join in!

The TBR Pile Challenge is to read as many books as I can from my TBR Pile. I love this challenge because it gives me an excuse to read my own books instead of review books constantly! Also, this challenge is hosted by, Bookish Lifestyle head on over there to check out the challenge and or sign up!

There are several levels for this challenge and to get myself back on track and to be safe I am choosing the first level which is, A Firm Handshake (1-10) books 

Thanks to everyone for stopping by! Question for you all, what is one book on your TBR pile that you've been dying to read?



  1. I've been dying to read The Lord of Opium by Nancy Farmer, the sequel to The House of the Scorpion ever since I found out it was being published.

    1. I haven't read The House of Scorpion but I've heard of it. What is it about?

    2. It's set in a dystopian Mexico where the protagonist, Matt, is a clone of the reigning drug lord, El Patron. It follows Matt as he slowly discovers what he is and the purpose of his life.

    3. Ah that sounds interesting :)

    4. It is. Most importantly, reading the sequel will push me to finish writing the review for the 1st book that I started awhile ago.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Good luck! :) I'm also participating in this challenge and also chose the same Level as you did.


I love to hear from you guys so leave as many as your heart desires =)