
01 January 2016

Backlist Books Reading Challenge 2016

You guessed it, another challenge! Just a heads up there are at least two more of these posts coming because I am being a little ambitious this year! 

Backlist Books challenge is hosted by Pretty Deadly Reviews so head on over there to check out the challenge and or sign up! But before you go, check out my challenge and my question for you lovely followers below! 

There are no levels for this challenge but to make it feel more challengy and to keep myself motivated my goal is to read at least 10 backlist books because I definitely have enough of them! Thank you so much for stopping by BUT before you go please answer this question in the comments for me :)

What backlist books do you have on your shelves that you are going to be reading? I love to know what everyone else is reading!! 

HAPPY 2016!

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