
07 June 2016

Blog Tour: Hair In All The Wrong Places by Andrew Buckley

Hair In All The Wrong Places by Andrew Buckley
Publication Date:  June 7, 2016
Publisher:  Month9Books
What has he done?

What’s happening to him?

And what on Earth is that smell?

For Colin Strauss, puberty stinks. Blackouts, hallucinations, and lapses in memory are the perils of growing up werewolf.

Worse than that, Colin worries he might have had something to do with the recent attacks on the townspeople. He may have eaten a person. It doesn’t matter that it’s someone he doesn’t particularly like. What kind of boy goes around eating people?

Foolishly, all Colin can think about is how Becca Emerson finally kissed him for the first time. Yep, hormones are afoot. Yikes!

But girls will have to wait. Collin better get himself under control before someone else ends up hurt or worse . . . dead.

Meet Andrew,
Andrew Buckley attended the Vancouver Film School’s Writing for Film and Television program. After pitching and developing several screenplay projects for film and television, he worked in marketing and public relations, before becoming a professional copy and content writer. During this time Andrew began writing his first adult novel, DEATH, THE DEVIL AND THE GOLDFISH, followed closely by his second novel, STILTSKIN. He works as an editor for Curiosity Quills Press.

Andrew also co-hosts a geek movie podcast, is working on his next novel, and has a stunning amount of other ideas. He now lives happily in the Okanagan Valley, BC with three kids, one cat, one needy dog, one beautiful wife, and a multitude of characters that live comfortably inside of his mind.

Andrew is represented by Mark Gottlieb at the Trident Media Group.

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1) What inspires you to write?
I’d like to say that it’s a primal desire to nurture creativity and spread joy and happiness throughout the world through the insertion of the written word. But really I do it for the money, fame, fortune, and being an author gives me a great excuse to look generally scruffy. I don’t even own a tie. Not one.

In all seriousness, I find inspiration in the creativity of others. I’m heavily influenced by authors like Douglas Adams, Neil Gaiman, Tolkien, George RR Martin, Anne Rice, and so on. I find mythology and folklore to be utterly fascinating so I draw a ton of inspiration from there. Even random and weird bits of history prove to be quite interesting. For example I have a work in progress that chronicles the hilarious life and times of Jack the Ripper. Inspiration is truly everywhere.

2) What do you do when you find yourself having writers block?

I’m very fortunate not to have suffered from any such things. I have down days when it’s harder to write than others but I brew another pot of tea and I push through, even if what I’m putting down on paper is garbage, I still think it’s good to keep writing regardless of whether the words are flowing freely or not. Eventually you’ll hit an up-turn.

3) What advice can you give to aspiring writers?
It’s going to sound clichéd and ridiculous but my main piece of advice is ‘write’. And when you’re done writing, write something else. And after that, write. Beyond that, keep writing. Many writers produce a book and then push to have it published. If they’re fortunate to get it published they then find themselves with nothing else to do and in today’s literary marketplace it’s as equally important to have a large volume or work as it is to have high quality work. So, I say again, WRITE!

Aside from that I’d recommend building yourself a marketing platform whether you’re already published or not. Create a website, start blogging, create a podcast, make sure you have a Facebook page for your writing, and start tweeting (I got my first publishing contract via a contact I made on Twitter). Yes, it’s all work, yes, it’ll be difficult. But it’s worth it. Publishers like to see writers who are marketable and aren’t afraid to put themselves out there.

4) Do you have an email subscription, Facebook page, street team, etc for my followers and I to follow to learn about news and upcoming releases from you?
Indeed I do! Here are all my pertinent links. My newsletter is new and the first issue will be coming out this month so make sure you sign up for that!

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