
17 June 2016

Blog Tour: Unplugged by Donna Freitas

Unplugged (The Wired #1)
by Donna Freitas
Publisher: Harper Children's
Release Date: June 21st 2016
Genre: Young Adult, Science Fiction, Dystopia

The first book in a provocative new series from acclaimed author Donna Freitas—Feed for a new generation.

Humanity is split into the App World and the Real World—an extravagant virtual world for the wealthy and a dying physical world for the poor. Years ago, Skylar Cruz’s family sent her to the App World for a chance at a better life.

Now Skye is a nobody, a virtual sixteen-year-old girl without any glamorous effects or expensive downloads to make her stand out in the App World. Yet none of that matters to Skye. All she wants is a chance to unplug and see her mother and sister again.

But when the borders between worlds suddenly close, Skye loses that chance. Desperate to reach her family, Skye risks everything to get back to the physical world. Once she arrives, however, she discovers a much larger, darker reality than the one she remembers.

In the tradition of M. T. Anderson’s Feed and Scott Westerfeld’s Uglies, Unplugged kicks off a thrilling and timely sci-fi series for teens from an award-winning writer

1) What made you want to be a writer?

I’ve always been a big reader—it’s one of my favorite things to do in the entire world. But I never thought I would become a writer. The reason why I did is because one day, this character—a girl named Antonia Lucia Labella—popped into my head and I could hear her voice, clear as day. She rattled around in my brain for quite a while before I sat down to write her story. And even when I finally did, I felt crazy for trying to write a novel! Antonia became the girl at the center of my debut novel The Possibilities of Sainthood.

2) How do you motivate yourself to write?

Coffee! A lot of coffee. And cookies and other sweets to go with it.

What really motivates me, though, is that I love having this space to play around and figure out someone’s story and life. For me, writing is often like one big do over—I get to go back to these moments in my life and relive them, re-imagine them, fix them, take a situation that turned out in a way I didn’t want it to, and make it turn out the way I wished it had. Also: my protagonists get to date all the boys I never got to date in real life, or the boy of my/their dreams. ☺ And that is very fun!

Plus, writing novels is a safe place to imagine dark things in the future, like with Unplugged, fears and struggles and life’s hardest moments. Getting to work through all of this stuff is really motivating to me. Writing is like my therapist. ☺

3) Do you have any advice for aspiring writers?

Don’t be afraid of the blank page: think of it as a playground where you get to do and live whatever you want. Where all your dreams can come true or you can live out all of your fears but safely. And you can always, always revise later.

4) Do you have an email subscription list, Facebook page, street team, etc for my followers and I to receive more information about your books now and in the future?

I do! You can sign up via my website: And you can always email me directly:

Thanks for having me!

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Donna Freitas is an author of fiction, nonfiction, and articles that appear in newspapers, magazines, and on blogs. Born in Rhode Island, Donna now splits her time between New York City and Barcelona.

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