
16 January 2017

2017 Book Challenge: Shelf Love Challenge


Happy Monday! For the past few years I've been signing up for challenge after challenge and keeping with it for the first month and then getting nowhere afterwards. This year I have only officially signed up for two. Hopefully I will keep up!

I have chosen level 2 (11-20) books and am psyched to get this party started!

I want to say that I won't buy any books this year, but I know I will end up buying at least one here and there so I'm going to say I am only allowed to buy one book a month and see how that goes. 

This challenge is hosted by two blogs, Second Run Reviews and Chapter Break don't forget to stop on over there to sign up!

1 comment:

  1. Even reducing the buying of new books is awesome if you don't manage to not buy any heh. Welcome happy to have you with us at Shelf Love 2017!


I love to hear from you guys so leave as many as your heart desires =)