
14 January 2017

Review: Girl In Pieces by Kathleen Glasgow

Girl In Pieces by Kathleen Glasgow
Publisher: Delacorte Press
Release Date: August 30, 2016
Book Format: Hardcover
# of Pages: 398
Synopsis: Charlotte Davis is in pieces. At seventeen she’s already lost more than most people lose in a lifetime. But she’s learned how to forget. The broken glass washes away the sorrow until there is nothing but calm. You don’t have to think about your father and the river. Your best friend, who is gone forever. Or your mother, who has nothing left to give you.

Every new scar hardens Charlie’s heart just a little more, yet it still hurts so much. It hurts enough to not care anymore, which is sometimes what has to happen before you can find your way back from the edge.

Meet Kathleen:
A New York Times bestseller, Girl in Pieces is Kathleen Glasgow’s debut novel. She lives and writes in Tucson, Arizona. To learn more about Kathleen and her writing go to her website,, and follow her on Twitter @kathglasgow. 

My Review:

17 year old Charlie has a world full of problems. After the loss of her father and best friend, and downfall of the relationship with her mother Charlie tries and fails at taking her life. Girl In Pieces by Kathleen Glasgow tells the story of Charlie Davis’ almost end and long windy road to recovery.

There is so much to say about this novel, there were so many emotions running through my head while reading this. I have known many people in my life who cut or self harmed and to read this story and really get to know Charlie as a main character was an amazing experience. I felt for her as a character, when she had lumps of tears in her throat, I felt the same way. When she smiled at Riley or Mikey or Blue I did the same.

Lately the books I have been reading have failed to give me characters that felt real. That problem was non-existent here. Glasgow gave her characters so many emotions and real characteristics, it almost seemed as if this story was happening to close friends rather than in a book.

The most real and my favorite relationship in this novel was Riley and Charlie. I knew from the beginning how it was going to go. Knowing all of Charlies problems, and then seeing Riley go down the path he was going down. I knew but that did not stop the feeling of wanting them to work it out, and the pain I felt when things went bad.

My favorite aspect of the story is that in the beginning I had no idea that this story was going to go outside of hospital that Charlie started out in. I just thought we were going to see Charlie bond with the girls she was living with and to maybe even get into their stories. But that didn’t happen, this story took a whole different path that threw me through a loop. BUT is a twist that I was not disappointed in. I loved this book and all of its little things and would recommend it to anybody.

I received this book from Blogging for Books and this is my honest review.

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