31 March 2012

April TBR

So it's the last day of March =( Which means it's time for my April TBR! Watch the video above to find out which books i'm reading for my TBR and leave links to yours below. Usually I would leave the book names and links below but i'm not feeling well today so i'm hoping most of you can watch the video! Happy End of March!

30 March 2012

In My Mailbox 28

It's finally Friday! Which means it's time for another In My Mailbox! created by Kristi over at The Story Siren, where we show off the books we got in our mailboxes this week! So this week is bigger then last week but it's still smallish which is good! So if you can't watch the video below you can click on the titles if the books and it'll take you to there goodreads page!

Bought from The Used Bookstore
Divergent By: Veronica Roth
A Man Named Dave By: Dave Pelzer

Won from Mist @ Bookaholics Bookclub (Watch the video to find out how I got the same package again!)
In Leah's Wake By: Terri Giuliano Long

29 March 2012

March Wrap-Up

Hola Amigos! So it's almost the end of March =( But no fear I have a lot of fun blog tours planned throughout April! But right now it's time for my Wrap-Up for all the books I've read in March.
Here are the books I mentioned in the video! Just click on the title and you'll be taken right to my review!

The Calling By: Kelley Armstrong
Clockwise By: Elle Strauss  (Review will be up on my tour date! April 27, 2012
One For The Murphys By: Lynda Mullaly Hunt
The Lost Saint By: Bree Despain
Pandemonium By: Lauren Oliver
Being Friends With Boys By: Terra Elan McVoy (Review will be up Saturday or Sunday!)

28 March 2012

Waiting On Wednesday

Happy Wednesday Guys! Today's post is going to be as quick as possible because i'm not feeling well. But anyways it's time for Waiting on Wednesday created by Jill @ Breaking The Spine where we show off the book(s) we can't wait for! So here are the books I can't wait for!

Rapture By: Lauren Kate

I love this series so far! I know it's probably weird because I've only read Fallen which is the first book but I still love it and I can't wait for this one!

Reached By: Ally Condie

Still haven't read Crossed but I am so going to read it soon!
I know when i'm done with that one i'll want to get my hands on this one too!

Thanks for stopping by and I can't wait to see what you guys can't wait for this week! Leave your links below! =)

27 March 2012

Teaser Tuesday

Yes it's Tuesday and even though it's another day closer to Friday i'm bummed today because it feels like Monday! Anyways it's time for another Teaser Tuesday creaated by MizB over at Should Be Reading. Anyone can join in with us you just have to follow these rules.

1. Grab your current read.
2. Open to a random page.
3. Share two teaseer sentences from somewhere on that page.
4. Becareful not to share spoilers, you don't want to ruin the book for the rest of us.
5. Make sure you include the Title & Author so we can add it to our TBR if we like it!

Here's my Teaser:
being friends with boys by: Terra Elan McVoy

When the final vibrations of "Cage Song" dissipate around us, an enormus wave of cheering washes over me. Oliver moves up beside me to take his place at the mic again, touches my elbow lightly. "Awesome, Spider," he whispers.

Just got this one via Around The World ARC Tours and I'm struggiling to finish it on time because I wasn't at home to get it in time but i'm hoping to finish it before Saturday! I hope you guys like the teaser. Leave your links below and Happy Teasing!

26 March 2012

It's Monday What Are You Reading?

It's Monday!! and yes i'm a little bit more excited then usual because I had today off from school! So anyways It's Monday What Are You Reading? Is created by Sheila over @ Book Journey. It is basically everyones Monday Wrap-Up because we show the books we've finished since last week, the ones we're currently reading, and the ones we plan on reading next!

Here's my Monday Wrap-Up!

Pandemonium By: Lauren Oliver

I loved it so so much! I couldn't put it down from the moment I picked it up but I just omg the cliff hanger killed me! Here's my Review =) 

Currently Reading:

Letters In Cardboard Boxes By: Abby Slovin

Still working my way through this one but i'm really liking it even though i'm pretty sure the author hates me for taking for so long lol 

The Savage Grace By: Bree Despain

Loving this one! I'm so glad about what's happening in the book right now!

Up Next:

The Summer I Turned Pretty By: Jenny Han

Now I know some of those who follow my posts are probably having a heart attack because I never put down an up next category but since i'm so so close to finishing my whole tbr pile this month this would be my reward book so I know i'm reading it next! 

Thanks for stopping by leave me your links below!

Review Copy Cleanup Mini Challenge #4!

The name of this Mini-challenge is Mysterious Meetup. The Mysterious Meetup is about us sharing out favorite book character of all times. The questions we have to answer are Who Would You Want To Meet? What Questions Would You Ask Him or Her? So here is my part of the challenge.

My favorite character of all times has to be: *Drum Roll Please*

Rose Hathaway from Vampire Academy!!

I love Rose because she's so kick***! But along with being tough she's sweet & caring when it comes to those she cares about including her best friend! Keep in mind i've only read the first two books so if some of my questions are answered or they're stupid because of something that happened in a the books after =)

Here are some of the questions I would ask:

1. If you had the chance to become a Vampire like Lissa would you?

2. What do you really think about Lissa's boyfriend Christian?

3. Do you think you'll have an amazingly awesome long life with Dimitri?

4. How did you cope with Mason's death?

5. Do you hope Richelle Mead writes more books about you?

It'd be so awesome if she could answer these questions! Thanks for stopping by =)

23 March 2012

In My Mailbox 27

Hey guys it's time for another In My Mailbox and i'm really tired to I don't feel like expelling everything so you guys know what this is all about. This week I got nothing so i'm going to show you some e-books! Just click on the cover and it'll take you to goodreads!







22 March 2012

Review Pandemonium By: Lauren Oliver

Pandemonium (Delirium, #2)Pandemonium by Lauren Oliver

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Warning: Ready to shoot myself over this cliff hanger! So if this review is a little rambly (Yes making up my own word here) please don’t take it out on me. I’ve just finished reading so I’m still getting over the book =)

As you all know Pandemonium is the companion novel to the one and only Delirium. Which I hope you also all know that I liked it I’m just not a fan of these huge cliff hangers! So anyway the story is Love is illegal. If you fall in love your diagnosed with Deliria and basically if you get it they cure you but if they believe it’s gone to deep they lock you up. Lena the main character of course in the beginning is following the rules and is going about getting her cure but then she meets Alex whom she falls in love with and that is where I stop telling you about the story if you want to know more go read it!

Lena is a really cool character because at first she’s not a rebel at all. She’s scared of not following the rules and getting in trouble because of what happened to her mother. But she does over come her fears and fall in love which I’m glad about because everyone deserves to fall in love at least once because it truly is an amazing feeling.

Now let me say what happened in this book I was so not ready for. But it wasn’t totally hard to handle until the end which I can’t talk about because I can’t spoil it, but one of the things that I really liked about Pandemonium is all of the new characters. The big ones in particular are Raven she is the mother basically in the story she takes care of Lena when she’s sick and hurt and gives her a place to sleep and be when she needs it the most. Raven basically gives Lena a whole new family.

Next up we have Tack who we don’t see a whole lot of but after they break apart from the other half of the group he Is the one that stays with Raven & Lena. He’s sort of the hard headed guy who just wants to take care of his friends well family. We don’t find out much about his past but I feel like he must have had a lot of heart break for him to be like that. I think it would be really interesting to have a little side story about Raven & Tack just like Lauren did one for Hana because I feel like there’s something more to the two of their characters.

Lastly the character that I didn’t want to but I fell in love with is Julian. Now love is banned through out the whole book and the point is that Lena is falling in love anyways but this love is different because she’s falling in love with the other side all most and I’m not going to elaborate on that again because of spoilers but I think you get the point. Julian is this sweet guy whose had a really rough life and he just wants to be left alone he doesn’t want to risk his life with surgery anymore he doesn’t want to hate his dad anymore he just wants to be normal and I have to say I think Julian deserves it because even though he’s supposed to be on the other side he still understands Lena’s side.

Overall I give Pandemonium 4.5 out of 5 stars and the reasoning for that is because I can’t get over these crazy cliffhangers because it just brings the end of the story down for me. The only good thing about it is that I need to get my hands on the next book now!

View all my reviews


21 March 2012

Review Copy Cleanup Mini Challenge #3

Hi guys! So as you all know I signed up to take on the challenge of reading my review books! Which isn't going so well because i've only read one but who cares it's still fun! So anyways this week is Challenge number 3 which is called Don't Be Such A Tease! What your supposed to do is show off one of the books your reading for this challenge! So here is my tease for the challenge!

Clockwise By: Elle Strauss

So I already finished this in the beginning of the month but it was awesome and I want people to be jealous that i got to read it!
This book is about a girl who randomly travels back in time at different points during her days. She doesn't really know what triggers it at first but as the book goes on she starts to know what triggers it. This story contains romance & a lot of suspence i would say. My review will be up next month sometime on my tour date =) Thanks for stopping by!

20 March 2012

Teaser Tuesday

It's Tuesday! Other than Friday, Tuesday is my favorite day of the week. Do you wanna know why? Well because I get to share awesome teasers, from my awesome book, to you awesome people! So as you all know Teaser Tuesday is created by MizB over @ Should Be Reading and what we do is share teasers from the book your currently reading anyone can join you just have to follow these rules!

1. Grab your current read.
2. Open to a random page.
3. Share two teaser sentences from that page.
4. Make Sure you dont include spoilers!
5. Lastly be sure to add the Title & Author for the other TT participants

Here's My Teaser:

Pandemonium By: Lauren Oliver

If I can make it to that tree, Alex will come back.
Alex is standing just beyond that hill; if I can make it to the top withought stopping, he'll be there.

YAY! PANDEMONIUM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now that I got that out of the way. I like this teaser even though it makes me sad because I really miss Alex! I can't wait to talk to people who have read this too when I finish it! Make sure to leave links to your teasers in the comments! Happy Teasing!

19 March 2012

It's Monday What Are You Reading?

Hi everyone! Where here on another Monday for another It's Monday What Are You Reading? Created by Sheila over @ Book Journey, and what we do is wrap-up all the books we've read since last week. Which would include the books we've finished since last week, the ones were currently reading and what we plan on reading next week! So here is my Monday Wrap-Up!


One For The Murphys By: Lynda Mullaly Hunt

Loved this book so so much! You can check out my review here!

The Lost Saint By: Bree Despain

Still in love with this series! Bree never ceases to amaze me =) You can check out my review here

Currently Reading-

Letters In Cardboard Boxes By: Abby Slovin

Starting to enjoy this one but i still got a little bit to go i'm hoping to at least finish it before April!

Pandemonium By: Lauren Oliver

Well this one wasn't on my TBR list for this month but I cheated and started reading it anyways for many reasons! 

I hope you guys had an awesome reading list this week! Make sure to leave your links below! Happy Monday =D

18 March 2012

Review The Lost Saint By: Bree Despain

The Lost Saint (The Dark Divine, #2)The Lost Saint by Bree Despain

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I read The Dark Divine a little less then a year ago and I loved it. Which is why I was so excited to get a copy of The Lost Saint because I loved this one as well. This is a story of a girl Grace Divine who is infected with the Wolf Curse and she has to deal with making sure the wolf doesn't overcome her because if she falls to the wolf she will lose everything.

Grace is thought of as the good girl. Her father is the priest and her whole family is very conservative. She wants to remain loyal to her family and her boyfriend Daniel but she also wants to find her brother who has fallen to the wolf and is with a new wolf family. The Lost Saint is all about Grace and basically everyone around her dealing with trying to find Jude which is her brother and trying to keep Grace from falling to the wolf.

Now we come across some new characters in this book there is Gabriel and if you've read the first book and you remember it then you should remember him even though i really didn't. Anyways he comes in and at first Grace doesn't like him at first because she thinks he's trying to turn everyone against her but what she doesn't know is that he's going to help save her. Next up we have Talbot. I sort of had mixed feelings about him through the whole book but Bree Despain is really good at writing persuasive characters because Talbot had me fooled the whole book and i actually started liking him a little more then Daniel! (Don't hunt me down when you read and see how Daniel was acting you'll understand!) But i learned my lesson and right now I'm okay but i don't trust him just yet because if what happened.

Next i want to address the Daniel issue. After the first book as you all know I was a huge fan of Daniels but in this book he just made me so mad because of the way he was acting towards Grace. I just don't think she deserved that. Anyways in the end he really redeemed himself! He did something so cute that if there weren't people in the room i probably would of cried and jumped up and down. I can't wait for you all to read it and find out what happens! Anyways I give this book 5 out of 5 stars Bree Despain's writing never fails!

View all my reviews

17 March 2012

ARC Review One For The Murphys By: Lynda Mullaly Hunt

One for the MurphysOne for the Murphys by Lynda Mullaly Hunt

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

One For The Murphy’s was such a amazing story. I haven’t read many books about Foster Care but I hope to read some more very soon because I loved reading Carley’s story it was so inspirational! This book is about a 12 year old girl who finds herself in foster care after an incident with her mother and step father. At first she doesn’t want to let herself like the family because she’s scared but throughout the story she learns to love the caring family that took her in.

Carley the main character is very strong and courageous. She can’t really remember everything that happened to her for her to end up with a whole new family but she does know that she has her mother and step father to blame for it. Carley has a tough time getting used to having someone to take care of her and having people be nice to her. Which is horrible for a little girl to not know what if feels like to have people care for her.

The Murphys are a great family and I wish every foster care family was like that. Most of the time when books or movies about foster care came out I never wanted to pick them up because usually when you see or hear things about foster care the parents are always crappy and I just don’t understand how some people can qualify to be a foster parent when they’re so horrible. The kids that are in foster care have already had a tough life that’s why they’re there they don’t need crappy parents to make it worse. (Sorry about that I go off easily)

I have to say that my favorite characters had to be the three boys. We didn’t get much of Adam but I really liked Daniel & Michael Eric. Now some might think why Daniel he was such a jerk! But I understood why Daniel was they way he was towards Carley. She was this strange girl who was coming into his home taking his brothers room and some of his moms attention away. Yes that sounds selfish but I didn’t hold anything against him because I would’ve felt the same way.

Little Michael Eric was my absolute favorite! He was such a sweet little boy and so innocent. He didn’t really understand why this girl was coming into his home but he didn’t care because it gave him someone to play with. It broke my heart when he had a seizure because I didn’t know what was going to happen to him.

In the end I give this book 5 out of 5 stars because it was incredible it was able to make me laugh and cry at the same times. I recommend it to anyone who needs a bit of a sad story to make them feel better and cute little boys to make you laugh!

View all my reviews

16 March 2012

In My Mailbox 26

Hey guys it's time for another In My Mailbox created by Kristi over @ The Story Siren. You guys know the deal so I don't think I have to explain it =) So this week I got three books and here's what they are. (Don't forget to leave your links below!)

Won from Goodreads:
Sing You Home By: Jodi Picoult

Won from Read. Breathe. Relax:
Pandemonium By: Lauren Oliver

From DAC ARC Tours:
One For The Murphys By: Lynda Mullaly Hunt

15 March 2012

Book Tour FireSeed One By: Catherine Stine

Happy Thursday! Before I get started I'd like to say don't forget to watch Vampire Diaries tonight! So anyways a few months ago I was contacted by Catherine Stine Author of this awesome book and she asked me if i'd like to be apart of her blog tour. I agreed because i love blog  tours and because I knew I was going to enjoy this book. So my part on the tour is to share my review and some quotes that I really loved from the book =)

Here are my quotes

"I lean in as if to whisper in her ear. Instead, I wrap my arms around the small of her back, draw her close and kiss her."

"When she looks over at me there are tears runnind down her face. I mouth the words I love you."

I love these two quotes because well the first one marks their first kiss and I had been waiting for this to happen for the whole book! and I love the second one because it's just plain sweet!

Now for my review!

FireSeed One By: Catherine Stine

Wow I was a little afraid that I wouldn’t end up liking this book but the more that I read the more that I loved it. The book was a little out of my comfort zone being a book about weird plants in the future well that’s not what they book is about but it’s a pretty big part of the story. Now I know what your thinking a book about plants yeah right but it’s so much more then that!

Now for the characters we have the main character Varik (They have some cool names in the future) Varik is an 18 year old who grows up apart of his dads plant business but it’s not just a plant business these plants feed the whole world. Ahh now you see why there so important. Varik’s dad dies and he needs to take over but soon after his dad dies all the crops to feed the world have died and he has to figure out why. Now on his little journey he takes the girl that breaks into his fathers vault Marisa.

Marisa is the enemy at first she is against everything that Varik is about. She is apart of the ZWC which plans to steel some plant seeds so that they can have more food then they’re getting. But their plan goes wrong because even though they steel the discs Marisa still gets caught. Along this journey Varik and Marisa start to warm up to each other. Varik starts to trust her and they start to fall in love. I’m glad they fell in love by the way because opposites definitely attract!

Varik is a strong independent guy who is sensitive but also he’s able to stand up for himself and those he loves. He just wants to help people he never wanted to be apart of his dads business but found himself right in the middle of it because of his fathers death. Marissa the same way doesn’t want to be apart of her fathers business she hates him but the only difference is she gets away goes off and does her own things learns her own lessons which is why her and Varik get together in the end.

Overall I rate this book 5 out of 5 stars. It was a beautifully written book and I can’t wait to see more of these characters in future books. I recommend this story to anyone who likes I think Science Fiction and Fantasy! It’ll really make your head spin in a good way!

I hope you guys liked my review and quotes! Below you can find links to the following. Places you can purchase the book, The Facebook page, Goodreads Page, Catherines Blog and The Entire Tour Schedule! Just click on the links below and they'll take you where you need to go. Thanks for stopping by guys =)

14 March 2012

Review Copy Cleanup Mini Challenge #2

Nyx Book Reviews and Books, Biscuits & Tea have created a challenge that is happening right now, throughout the whole month of March. Inside of this challenge there are some mini-challenges and i'm here to talk about my favorite places to read for the second mini-challenge. Now I don't have a lot of variety for places to read but i'm going to show you two places where I read the most.

My Bed is the first place. The reason why I love to read on my bed is because I can read in so many positions! Haha that sounds weird but it's true. I can read laying down (back or stomach), and sitting up in a few different ways. Also my bed is really comfy =)

Lastly my chair. Yes I know this sounds even weirder but if i'm busy writing a paper or typing something and I need a break i'll just pull out a book throw my feet on the desk and read. It's usually only for a little while though because I can only sit so long without my butt going numb =)

I'm pretty sure theres still time to go sign up for this challenge which is really good so you should go and do that right now! I'm having fun so far too and i hope you guys will too!

13 March 2012

Teaser Tuesday

So it's Tuesday and you guys know what that means! It's time for another Teaser Tuesday hosted by Should Be Reading. What we do is basically share teasers from the books we're currently reading. So here are the rules that everyone has to follow!

1. Grab your current read
2. Open to a random page
3. Share two teaser sentences from somewhere on that page
4. Make sure you include the Title & the Author of the book for us
5. Be sure not to include spoilers so you don't ruin the book for the rest of us =)

Here's my teaser!

One For The Murphys By: Lynda Mullaly Hunt

Adam jumps toward me and points his finger like a gun.
"I'll shoot you with my freeze ray!"
"Freeze ray, Yeah!" Michael Eric Jumps.

I'm loving this book so far it's so cute and funny and sad at the same time! I hope you guys had fun finding your teasers leave the links below =)

12 March 2012

It's Monday What Are You Reading?

It's Monday! You know what that means. It's Monday What Are You Reading? Is hosted by Book Journey and it's basically a Monday Wrap-Up. You show off the books you've finished since last week, The books were currently reading now and What you planning on reading next. So here's my Monday-Wrap Up!

Finished: I didn't finish anything since last week =(

Currently Reading:

Letters In Cardboard Boxes By: Abby Slovin

Really starting to get into this book =)

The Lost Saint By: Bree Despain

Still loving this series even though i'm extremely annoyed with Daniel!

One For The Murphys By: Lynda Mullaly Hunt

Just got this today via DAC ARC Tours really good so far!

As always I have no clue whats coming next but i'm doing pretty good this week. I hope you guys had good weeks! Leave your links below =)

09 March 2012

In My Mailbox 25

Hey guys! It's friday which means it's time for another IMM! So I have a bigger load then I did last week. I won a few then I bought one with my Buzz Bucks! So anyways here's what I got this week.

Won from Megan @ Read It, See It
Ruthless (Pretty Little Liars #10) By: Sara Shepard

Won from Goodreads
Yesterday's Dead By: Pat Bourke

Bought off RandomBuzzers via Buzz Bucks
Unleashed By: Nancy Holder & Debbie Viguie

07 March 2012

Waiting On Wednesday

Happy Hump day! So you guys know what day it is Wednesday which means it's time for Waiting on Wednesday hosted by Breaking The Spine. What you do is showcase one or more books that you can't wait for. But they have to be books that aren't out yet don't forget about that! So here's my WoW for this week!

Spark By: Amy Kathleen Ryan

So the reason I want this so badly is because I read Glow and I really liked it. But also because Glow had a real cliff hanger and I need to find out what happens so bad!

I'd like to see what books you guys can't wait for this week. So be sure to leave your links below so I can check them out =)

06 March 2012

Teaser Tuesday

It's Tuesday! You know what that means? It's time for another Teaaser Tuesday! created by MizB over at Should Be Reading. Basically what we do is share two teaser sentences from the book we are currently reading. Anyone can participate as long as you follow the rules below!

1. Grab your current read.
2. Open to a random page.
3. Share two teaser sentences from somewhere on that page.
4. Make sure you don't accidently share any spoilers you dont want to ruin the book for us!
5. and lastly be sure to include the Title and Author of the book so we can add the book to our TBR list if we like it.

Here's my teaser:

The Lost Saint By: Bree Despain

"No, he said a little too abruptly. "Leave me alone."
"What?" My voice caught a bit in my throat.
Daniel sighed into the phone. "Sorry. I don't know what...I don't know if i'm contagious. Just stay away, okay?"

I know I know I went over two sentences yet again but I had to otherwise it wouldn't have made much sense. I hope to see your teasers too leave your links in the comments! Happy Teasing =)

05 March 2012

It's Monday What Are You Reading?

Hi guys! It's time for another It's Monday What Are You Reading created by Sheila over at Book Journey which is where we basically wrap up everything we've finished since the last post, what we're currently reading and what we plan to read next! So usually my load of currently reading is huge but i've cut down how many books i read at once to ease some reading stress. So without further adu here is my Monday Wrap-Up!

After The Snow By: S.D. Crockett

This one was interesting. I think I really didn't understand it in some places which is why I didn't like it as much as I thought I would. Here's my review

FireSeed One By: Catherine Stine

I ended up really enjoying this one which i'm really glad about because at first I thought I would be a little bored. My review will be up on March 15 which is my tour date.

The Calling By: Kelley Armstrong

Like I said in my review I can't get enough of Kelley Armstrong's writing, so as you can imagine I loved the second book in her new series =)
Here's my review

Clockwise By: Elle Strauss

I never though I would enjoy a story about time traveling as much as I did. I totally recommend it to anyone who enjoys that kind of thing but added to it was a little bit of romance!
My review will be up on my tour date which is April 27

Currently Reading-

Letters In Cardboard Boxes By: Abby Slovin

I got this for review a bit ago and i'm hoping to finally get it finished soon!

The Lost Saint By: Bree Despain

I loved the first book in the Trilogy and I'm loving this one so far too!

I hope you all had a good week last week! Happy Monday =)
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