Whoa I totally forgot that today was my turn for the Lore of Fei Tour! Thank god I rememberd in time huh? Anyways this tour is hosted by Bewitching Book Tours and if you haven't checked out that site yet you should go do it right now because there's tours for everybody!! Anyways today I have an author interview for you but first let's get to know the book and author a little!

Ariela is a mutant faerie, born without wings. No wings, means no magic. The Veil of Enclosure that separates the faerie land of Fei from the human land of Hege begins to dissolve. The humans go through the Veil in order to steal the faerie children and enslave them. They clip their wings so the faerie children lose their magic and die soon afterwards. The Faerie Council asks Ariela to go to Hege as a spy to ascertain the human's plans for Fei. She has to stop the warmongering humans before the faerie children are lost forever and repair the Veil. But, only a silver-winged faerie can repair it and no silver-winged faerie has been born. It is up to Ariela. But, Ariela has no magic, or does she?
Faeries vs. humans, who will win?

Meet the author:
I am an urban faerie born without wings but I fly on the wings of imagination tethered to this mortal coil. Moonlight sustains me and sunlight devours me. Stars swim in my eyes and my soul bleeds on a daily basis. I am a writer.
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/Witch-Hunter/142372955812353
Now here's my interview with Kathleen!
1. First, I have to ask what made you decide to write about faeries?
I have always loved the fey and since my great-grandmother was from Ireland, I have been fascinated with Celtic lore forever. My first novel is called AINE and it's about a sixteen year old girl who finds out she's a banshee.
2. Was it always your dream to be a writer, or did it just happen one day?
Ever since I wrote my first book of poetry at the age of eight I've been writing. It's second nature to me to write. In fact, if I don't wrote, I get grumpy. At first it was a way to get my feelings out (turbulent childhood) then it morphed into something more as I got older. I wrote my first short story when I was 13 and my first novel when I was 17.
3. A faerie without wings or powers what is that about? It's a pretty interesting plot!
Thanks. I wanted to do something different than the usual faerie book. I have always liked the way Shakespeare does Puck in Midsummer's Night Dream, a lifesize faerie who has the same emotions/wishes as humans.
4. Something I always ask authors, how long did your characters live in your head before you put them on paper?
Hmm... I don't have an answer to that. I don't know if they "live" anywhere until they actually appear on the printed page. I am a pantser so I write as I go and let the characters lead me on their journey. Someone (and I can't remember who) once said that their characters sit on their shoulder and whisper their stories into their ears and that's how I feel about it. I am the conduit for their stories. If they could write them down (and figure out how to use the laptop), they would! But, they don't, so they whisper their stories to me to write down.
5. Do you have a favorite place to write?
I write at my kitchen table on my laptop. I have a dream writing space but have yet to realize that particular dream. It involves an Irish cottage on the coast of Ireland overlooking the sea and a whitewashed desk, tea and cats.
6. What advice would you give to other aspiring authors?
Keep writing no matter what? Write every day. Hone your craft. Go to confrences. Connect with other writers. Writing can be solitary vocation and it's important to connect with others. Even taking your laptop to a coffee shop and writing there helps. Plus, the more you experience, the better your stories will be.
7. Can we expect more YA from you in the future?
Oh, yes!!! I love to write fantasy and YA is one of my favorite genres to write in. Currently I am working on revising a YA down to MG based on feedback. And, I just turned in the second LORE OF FEI book calleds WAR OF FEI to Muse It Up Publishing. It's slated to be published in Feb. 2013. I have a third book in the series that will wrap up Ariela's story. I'm waiting until november to write the third book, working title is VEIL OF FEI and am planning on writing it during NaNoWriMo. I wrote LORE OF FEI during my first ever NaNo two years ago and I wrote WAR OF FEI this past year. I guess NaNo for me is now NaNoWriLORE. LOL.
**Speed Round**
Sneakers or Flip Flops? Sneakers. I walk a lot.
Puppies or Kittens? Kittens. I am staff for two cats.
Night or Morning? I am a night owl and have been since I was little.
Thanks so much for being here on the blog today Kathleen! I can't wait to read your book =) Now here is the tour wide giveaway for 2 e-copies of LORE OF FEI, A tote bag, and 2 e-copies of any book in Kathleens backlist
a Rafflecopter giveaway
I hadn't heard of this book- but I love the cover and the plot sounds very interesting. I enjoyed learning more about the author. I like that her grandmother and her heritage helped spark the idea for the book. Also- great advice for authors/writers. :) Thanks for the giveaway!
(New followerz)
Cool Giveaway! Great review aswell. :)
ReplyDeleteNew follower: http://ebonyblacklines.blogspot.co.uk/
Drop by sometime! :) x
Awesome interview and this book looks like it oozes magic. I love the cover and the minute the Kathleen mentioned her grandmother and Ireland i knew I had to read this one. I love your author bio!